Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Great Summer Jobs for Kids and Adults

Whether you're still a wee one or you're already an adult with a career, there are lots of great ways to make extra money in the summer.

Best Money Tips: Best Gifts for College Grads

Today we found some awesome articles on the best gifts for college grads, budget-friendly room revamps, and financial rules that work and don't work.

When Avoiding Debt Is the Losing Strategy

It's almost always a good idea to stay out of debt. But sometimes, refusing to take on debt could hurt you in the long run.

Business Plan Basics

I have a business and offer writing services so, on occasion, I have been asked to write business plans. Those making such requests are generally very eager, convinced of their

Quit wasting your lunch hour on lunch (or how you can change your life in just 45 minutes a day)

Lunch hour has become recess, a chance to unwind and play a little bit. But it doesn't have to be. Those 45 minutes every day can be the reason you go to work and just the time you

Best Money Tips: Improve Your Car's Gas Mileage

Today we found some great articles on improving your car's gas mileage, saving on baggage fees, and things to never keep in your wallet.

Best Money Tips: 5 Things Every Frugal Person Should Spend Money On

Today we found articles on things every frugal person should spend money on, pantry tips from the pros, and easy ways to save money after you turn 50.

Achieve More With Goal Sequencing

What's the secret to achieving any goal you set? Breaking it down into many smaller sequential goals and tackling each one at a time. Here's how to do it.

5 Times You're Better Off Without a Real Estate Agent

Those four little words can save you a lot of cash — For Sale By Owner. Are you prepared to sell your own home and reap the rewards?

8 Career Mistakes to Stop Making by 30

By age 30, you should know better than to make any of these career mistakes. If not, soon you may be looking for another career.

And did you do it with respect?

A few years back, I read a profile of a holistic fitness guru.  There was a sidebar with a little quiz

Pay yourself last is okay too

Every book on personal finance says that you should pay yourself first--get the money out of your checking account and you won't even know it's missing. There's a lot o

SaveUp Giving Away $1000 to Wise Bread Readers

To enter simply tell us what motivates you to save.

The Same Actions Will Produce The Same Results (Ten Tenets for Arranging Your Rich: Part 2)

A while back I posted the first of what I promised would be "Ten Tenets to Arranging Your Rich". And wouldn't you know it, right after posting Tenet #1, things got

Cheap Charity Is Sweet Charity

Saturday is the Letter Carriers' annual food drive, when you put bags of food out and your mailman or mail woman

Too many online accounts? You need an aggregator.

From Twitter to Digg, emails to IM and let's not forget all those social networking sites, its easy to get bogged down just by logging on. Fortunately, you can keep your online

Book review: The Adventures of Johnny Bunko

Do you need a career guide? And, if so, do you need one written as manga? It almost doesn't matter--Daniel H. Pink has written one, and it's got enough good lessons packed into a

Best Money Tips: How to Make a Quick $50

Today we found some fantastic articles on how to make a quick $50, packing travel essentials to save money, and preventing buyer's remorse.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Thanksgiving Traditions?

Tell us about your family traditions and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Simple Ways to Get Your Life Together

Self improvement is hard. Start with these simple (but significant) improvements first, and see where they take you.