Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Trick Yourself Into Better Credit Card Behavior

By making a few key moves before you shop, you can easily trick your brain into better credit card use. Here's how.

Getting Your Money Back Without Losing Your Friendship

Lent a friend some money and still waiting to be repaid? Ask for your money back politely and frankly to keep both your money and your friends.

The 5 Best Oil Absorbing Sheets

Keeping your skin fresh and clear isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these oil absorbing sheets and your skin will remain clear while keeping your makeup in place.

How to Sell a Car Without a Title

Ready to sell your set of wheels, but can't find the title for the life of you? You've got a few options.

Build a Better Budget in 5 Minutes Flat

Creating a basic budget truly is simple and easy, and so is maintaining it afterward. What are you waiting for? Take five minutes and start budgeting!

10 Ways You Disrespect Your Money

Look after your money and it'll look after you. Mistreat it, and it'll do the same to you.

5 Hidden Comforts to Consider When Choosing an Airline

Flying economy is no picnic, but if you know what to look for, you can find the flight with the most comfortable mix of seat width and amenities.

16 Festive Ways to Make Extra Money for the Holidays

For many the holidays mean more stress and more spending. For those with the entrepreneurial spirit, the holidays mean more cash.

10 Fun Hobbies You Can Take Up for Free

You could kill a couple of hours every evening watching the tube. Or you could take up one of these fabulous, fun, and free pastimes.

How to Plan for a Forced Early Retirement

Eighteen percent of Americans are forced to retire early. Are you prepared for an early retirement?

A Guide to Online Brokers for Investing Newbies (and Beyond)

Online brokers are known for cheap stock trades, but there's more to consider when selecting a firm. Use this guide to make a choice that works for you.

8 Things to Wait Until After Christmas to Buy

Sure, Black Friday gets all the big discount hype, but the deals post-Christmas can't be beat!

Being Frugal Without Giving Up Your Social Life

Despite what some people think, you don't have to be a hermit to be frugal. Learn how you can have a fun social life AND maintain your budget.

The Best (Inexpensive) Souvenirs

As a rule, we don’t buy souvenirs for their usefulness. A t-shirt from the Hard Rock Café or a shell sculpture from Hawaii isn’t going to increase your productivity — in fact, dust

5 Things Tax Preparers Should Tell You

Knowing the right questions to ask can help you get better advice and bigger refunds.

Living a Life of Weisure?

Blurring the lines between our personal and professional lives has its pros and cons.

10 Foods You Need in Your "Emergency" Pantry

This isn't prep for the zombie apocalypse — it's how to save money and time by stocking up on 10 frugal foods for quick "emergency" dinners.

Miracle Device Coin Rolls All Your Credit Cards Into One

Coin's like a universal remote for your plastic: a magical device that lets you store and toggle among all your cards, without actually having to carry around any of them.

The 5 Best Toilet Papers

Finding the perfect toilet tissue isn't easy, but it can be. All of these toilet papers are soft, top quality, and will leave you feeling refreshed.

4 Best States to Start a New Business In

The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well for many Americans. Their small business ventures would fare particularly well in these four states.