Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to NOT Get What You Want From Customer Service

There are right ways to complain to businesses...and there are wrong ways. These are definitely the wrong ways (plus, how to make them right).

Eating Cheap While Abroad

I've been on the go a lot this last year: I lived in Dublin for four months, accompanied my family to Israel, and made it to plenty of other points on the globe. But no matter

The 7 Things Every Frugal Person Should Have In Their Wallet

You never leave home without your wallet — and these seven items should always be inside!

Ask the Readers: Do You Go to Sporting Events?

Tell us if you go to sporting events and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

A One Touch Approach To Managing Household Finances

Over the years I've implemented elaborate tickler systems, email reminders and various other ways to remind myself not to forget to pay a few paper bills. At some point they all f

The Toughest Tax Season Question All Married Couples Must Ask

You and your spouse want the biggest tax breaks possible. So how should you file — jointly or separately?

Ask the Readers: Do You Feel Optimistic About Your Finances in 2015?

Tell us whether you feel optimistic about your finances in 2015 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Throwing a Yard Sale When You Live in an Apartment

Today we found some fantastic articles on throwing a yard sale if you live in an apartment, networking for jobs, and children and allowance.

The Make You Wanna Holla Presentation

In a realm where the DJ is dead and many spend more time texting and e-mailing than talking, defeat the Borg with a little bit of imagination. And if you've got your PC or Mac join

How to Be Fearless and Do What You Want

Overcoming fear sounds easy when the motivational experts advise it. Get from the scary here to the confident there with practice, planning, and a little playacting.

6 Times We Are Likely to Lie for Money

When are we most likely to tell little white lies (and even some whoppers)? When money's at stake, of course.

Best Money Tips: Surprising Things That Sell Big on eBay

Today we found helpful articles on surprising things that you can sell on eBay, over 100 cheap or free things to do this summer, and ways to capture your best ideas.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 9/5, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: The Tooth Fairy! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!

7 Secret Tips to Make Your London Vacation Cheaper and Easier

London's one of the best cities in the world and you'll have a great time there. To make it even better here are 7 essential tips that'll make your visit cheaper and easier. The fo

Surviving the Holiday Season: Entertaining (and Being Entertained) on a Budget

With the holiday season upon us, invitations to dinner parties – and expectations of reciprocating invitations – are on the increase. You bring a nice bottle of wine or bouquet of

Best Money Tips: Fall Trends on a Budget

Today we found some great articles on fall trends on a budget, surviving losing your job, and things happy couples do differently.

The 12-Month Get-Richer Plan

You can achieve a whole lot in 12 short months. Start today and this time next year you'll be a whole lot better off.

Best Money Tips: Slay Your Financial Fears

Today we found some fantastic articles on simple ways to slay your financial fears, whether it's cheaper to buy or stream music, and airline fees worth paying for.

Best Money Tips: A Better You

This week, Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup gives a shout out to fellow bloggers who have dedicated their blog posts to increased productivity, time management, life improve

Gifts For Grads

Around springtime last year, as my niece’s university graduation date loomed, I picked out (but waited to buy) what I thought would be an ideal gift: a watch with her alma mater’s