Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 Useful Kitchen Gifts

Running out of gift ideas? One of these useful items would be a welcome addition to any kitchen.

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Delicious Homemade Gluten-Free Bread

Here is an easy to make Gluten-Free Bread recipe that is extremely affordable and much better tasting than store brands. Celebrate and have toast again!

Could Trump Bring Higher Interest Rates and Inflation? Consider These Money Moves

Will the fiscal landscape be different in 2017 during a Trump presidency? Here's how to get your money ready, either way things go.

How to Keep Your Job Hunt From Busting Your Budget

You want to go all out in your job search, but you don't want to go broke in the process.

10 Countries Where Banks Pay Crazy Interest Rates

If you think the interest rates of American banks are wacky, wait until you take a look at rates in these other countries.

5 Ways Job Hunting Has Gotten Better for New Grads

If you're graduating from college soon, take heart; job hunting has gotten a lot easier.

Best Money Tips: 10 Countries Where Retirees Can Live Large and Save Big

Today we found articles on the best countries to retire, how to score cheap flights this summer, and cheap and easy dessert recipes.

4 Easy Ways to Get Richer In 2018

A new year is a fresh start for your finances. Make these small money moves now, and you'll end 2018 richer than you started it.

This Is How Much Our Tech Necessities Would've Cost in the '80s

The '80s brought us hair metal and spandex — and a super expensive way to enjoy all the things we take for granted today.

5 Creative Uses for a 529 Plan

You know a 529 savings plan is for your children's college expenses, but with some creative thinking, it can be so much more.

28 Ways to Never Pay Full Price for Anything

Before you spend one cent on anything today, arm yourself with proven strategies that will help you avoid paying full price ever again.

The game of Haggling: How to Get a Great Deal on a Used Car

Getting a great deal on a used car is easy if you know how. Here are 9 tips from a frugal family on how to get the most out of your car-buying dollars.

These At-Home Exercises Will Give You a Gym-Quality Workout for Free

If the gym membership was a casualty of your war on spending, you don't have to suffer flabby abs. Get fit at home with these great routines.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Best Travel Planning Tips?

Tell us your best travel planning tips and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

18 Awesome Things You Can Do This Weekend for Under $10

Looking for fun this weekend but wallet's looking a little thin? No problem, all you need is ten bucks and creative ideas like these.

How to Get Over These 5 Scary Things About Investing

If fear is holding you back from investing, screw your courage to the sticking place! Stop letting fear make your money decisions for you.

Stop Thinking of Your House as an Investment

Your home may be where your heart is, but it's not an investment.

Ask the Readers: What Was Your Best Customer Service Experience?

Tell us about your best customer service experience and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Do You Really Need a 20 Percent Down Payment for a House?

Don't let the giant down payment dash your dreams of homeownership. You have other options!

Are You Ruining Your Retirement by Spoiling Your Kids?

You'd do anything for your kids — but you shouldn't derail your retirement to loan them money.