Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

19 Tips to Cut Costs by Using Your Oven Efficiently

The oven is not the most energy-efficient way to prepare your food. 19 tips to help you maximize your oven’s energy-efficiency, as well as to cut your cooking costs.

The 5 Best Bluetooth Keyboards

Love your smartphone or tablet except when you have to type on it? If so, these Bluetooth keyboards may be the solution you've been looking for.

Bottled Water, Bottled Hype Part 2

If you drink bottled water every day, you're paying a premium for something that should be close to free. Drink bottled water for health-reasons? Find out why that's ironic.

4 Sort-of Small Kitchen Gadgets that Equal Big Savings!

Are your kitchen counters cluttered with unused small appliances and dusty “do-it-all” gizmos? Learn how to use these top four appliances to cut meal prep, clean-up time, and a bi

9 Ways to Get Exactly What You Want From Customer Service

Use these Jedi mind tricks to get the best possible results from customer service reps.

6 Tips to Sell Your Condo Fast

If you're thinking of selling your condo, now is a great time. Use these strategies to make the process quick and painless.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Debt Snowball Method

If you're trying to pay off a stack of debts, the snowball method can give you the motivation you need to knock them all out. Learn how.

What Pays More: Online Surveys or the Gig Economy?

Eager to work from home but don't know where to begin? Online surveys and paid gigs are a great place to start.

8 Surprising Ways to Pay Off Your Student Loans

Get tough on student loan repayment with a little help from some unexpected places.

DIY Shampoo: The Baking Soda Experiment

Baking soda and vinegar have long been touted to have great cleaning properties, but never did I think that they could clean hair.

Yogurt: Should You Try Making Your Own?

Yogurt is already conveniently packaged, widely available, and comes in a big variety of flavors. That said, there are great reasons to make your own.

6 Ways to Deal When You're Way Behind at Work

Looming deadlines, a 10-mile to-do's time to conquer it all and get back on track at work. You can do it!

These 6 Instragrammers Are Getting Rich by Traveling the World

These Instagrammers are traveling the world, taking gorgeous pics, and raking it in — maybe you can join them!

Ask the Readers: What is Your Best Back-to-School Shopping Tip?

Tell us your best back-to-school shopping tip and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Things Other Grocery Stores Should Steal from Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's keeps me coming back by offering low-cost, healthy groceries — and if other grocery stores want to stay in business, they better do the same.

Where to Find Free or Cheap Yoga Classes

Yoga classes have a reputation for being expensive, but they don’t have to be. Learn how to find budget-friendly yoga in your community.

18 Awesome Things You Can Do This Weekend for Under $10

Looking for fun this weekend but wallet's looking a little thin? No problem, all you need is ten bucks and creative ideas like these.

6 Things You Can Negotiate When Buying a Home

Buying a house is a big deal -- and almost all of it is negotiable. Here's what else you can haggle over besides price.

10 Ways to Spot a Motivated Seller

The housing market is currently red-hot, but that doesn't mean you can't strike a deal. Keep your eyes peeled for signs a seller really wants to sell.

The 5 Best Aluminum and Stainless Steel Water Bottles

Staying hydrated on a hot day isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these five aluminum and stainless steel water bottles and your water will stay cool and refreshing all day.