Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Ways to Save on a European Getaway With Kids

Heading to Europe with kids can be as expensive or inexpensive as you want it to be. Learn how you can save a bundle when traveling across the pond.

Trailers for Ths American Life

"We wanted to make a TV show that feels like the radio show, but isn't just the radio show on TV." Can This American Life successfully transfer its intimate and quirky storytelling style onto [more]

Alternative Wedding Registry Ideas

Don't need gift bags full of new towels and soap dispensers? Consider one of these uncommon registry ideas for your wedding.

6 Emergency Fund Myths You Should Stop Believing

You know you need an emergency fund. Don't let these common misconceptions keep you from starting one!

Cheap Way to Get Rid of Plastic Baby Bottles

Discovered online: A cheap way to use those Avent bottle nipples without exposing infants to the reported risks of Avent's polycarbonate containers. Mother of invention or mother o

Hands in Your Pocket: The Cost of Standby Power - Environmental and Otherwise

Go check your electricity meter box. Is the wheel turning and clicking over, recording your power usage? Probably. Now go back inside, and turn everything off. The lights, the coff

How Your Child Can Earn College Credits in High School (For Cheap)

Help your high schooler get a head start on college, while you get a head start on saving money.

Get a Deal Every Time You Shop with These Tools

If you have the right tools, you can always get a deal. Learn how to always get what you want, at the price you want.

5 More Fun Money-Making Ideas!

With a little creativity, these hobbies can be parlayed into part-time gigs.

Mix 'n match your food to save money

Is there any way out of the "I love to eat but I don't want to cook all the time!" dilemma? Will there ever be a way to eat consistent, healthy, homecooked meals without slaving in the kitchen all the time? Read on, and tell me what you think. [more]

How to Get Elite Status for Free Hotel Upgrades

Getting a free upgrade to the luxury suite of a fancy hotel may sound like a fantasy, but you just need to know which programs to join.

Caregiving: Highlights from Our Chat with AARP and Ad Council

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with AARP and Ad Council on caregiving.

Do You Really Need “Soft” Water?

Water is a necessity. Soft water may not be. Depending on where you live and how you use water, the cost of processing your water may not be worth it.

Making direct deposit safe for the garnished

The US Treasury pays more money to more people than just about anybody in the world. Last year it disbursed more than $1.6 trillion in 982 million individual payments. As you can

Asset Allocation for All Markets

Achieving the right asset allocation can be like groping around in the dark (and not in a fun kind of way!) if you don’t know where to begin. This article will help you to determin

Help Your Teenager Earn Their First Million

As adults, how many times have you wished you had invested money as a teenager or young(er) adult? We're all aware of the power of compounding interest, and the idea that starting

Warren Buffett's Investment Advice: Why It's So Hard to Follow

Warren Buffett's style of investing isn't just about picking the right stocks, it's about having the intestinal fortitude to overcome widespread panic . Check out how one of his mo

5 Rules for Planning Your Most Affordable Christmas Ever

Christmas is coming, but don't make it a great December and a horrible January. Follow these Christmas rules to make it affordable.

Cheap, Quick Homemade Breakfasts

Whether you're wide-eyed or totally groggy in the morning, there's a cheap, quick, at-home breakfast for you. Try one of these great morning noshes.

Tech Life: 8 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be an Early Adopter

It might be a boost for your ego, but it's a bummer for your wallet. Learn why avoiding early adoption saves you money — and gets you better tech.