Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Jack Bauer Never Buys Anything — How TVs Frugalest Characters Get by With Less

From Jack Bauer to Scooby-Doo, there are plenty of TV characters who know how to squeeze a dollar. Here are nine to watch for.

What Is Your Financial Kryptonite (and How to Conquer It)

Is it shoes? Saving? Fear of investing? Learn how to recognize your personal finance kryptonite — and then learn how to beat it.

9 Sweet Valentine's Day Gifts to Give to Your Truest Love — You!

Who needs a date on Valentine's Day when you can shower yourself with fun and wholesome treats?

If You're Doing This on Your First Date, You're Not Getting a Second

First dates are nerve-wracking, but you can end them fast — and your shot at a second — before they even get started with any of these moves.

What Does "Free" College Tuition Really Pay For?

Free tuition sounds like every student's dream come true. But would it actually be "free?"

Signing Up for Obamacare in 2015? Here's What's New

Open Enrollment for ACA health care ends soon. Here's what you need to know before you make your choices on the exchange.

Simplify Your Life With These 27 Monthly Subscription Services

From on-demand TV to on-demand TV dinners, your life could get a whole lot easier with these monthly subscription services.

Honesty: Truly, the Best Policy

Are you honest with yourself about money? Some of us could really use a financial reality check — from ourselves.

Best Money Tips: How to Save Money at Target

Today we found some awesome articles on saving money at Target, managing finances after college, and ways you may be hurting your credit.

9 Ways to Save on Prescriptions

Whether it's cutting coupons or buying generic, prescription drug costs can be whittled down with a little insight... and this free advice!

Best Money Tips: How to Audit Your Finances

Today we found articles how to audit your finances, questions to ask yourself while minimizing, and Starbucks hacks that will save you money.

Stop Calling Me! How to Avoid Telemarketers

Are you tired of dinner getting cold while waiting for a telemarketer to pause long enough for you to say you're not interested? Stop the calls dead in their tracks with some h

20 Surprisingly Delicious Squash Recipes

It's winter-time and that means fresh squash — and plenty of it. When life gives you squash, make pancakes — and lots more besides!

Farecast your Flights for Big Savings

Does searching for the cheapest flight online sap away at your will to live? Are you as confused as I am by the numerous discrepancies found among all the "guaranteed cheapest

A Million Bucks By 30: A Book Review

This digestible escapade from Alan Corey details his journey from fed-up college grad to self-made millionaire. But is it practical advice for you?

Store Brands Rival Heinz and Hellman's in Taste Test

Consumer Reports testers rank several popular store brand condiments the equal — or better — of leading brands. At up to 30% cheaper, slather on the savings!

10 Hard Truths About Getting Hired That You Don't Want to Believe

Want to get the job? All you need to do is make sure you're a good-looking, six-foot tall man who already has a job. Learn more.

12 Easy Ways to Wake Up Richer Tomorrow Than You Are Today

There are plenty of ways to make a quick buck, but none are easier — and more certain — than these. What are you waiting for?

9 Tools That Create Hours of Free Time a Week

Eliminate the most tedious tasks on your to-do list with these nifty tools.

11 Painless Ways to Trick Yourself Into Eating Less

Invite psychology and biology to your next meal and leave more on the plate instead of around your waist.