Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Reach Your Money Goals Faster With a Simple Naming Trick

Mortgage repayment, emergency funds… these things may not be "fun," but a cheeky approach to banking can make them a whole lot less stressful.

15 Home Decorating Ideas for Under $5

It can be a struggle to keep your household decorations interesting while keeping your budget in check, but these 15 ideas will help you do both.

The Enemies of Frugality

Even with the best of intentions, living frugally can be a challenge. Explore the seven nefarious forces that keep us from our frugal goals.

How to Clean Silver Naturally

If you have heirloom silverware or silver jewelry that needs a good polish, learn how to clean it without resorting to harsh chemicals.

12 Ways to Stop Skipping Your Workouts

You really meant to do your workout today, but… Replace those I-meant-tos with actual workouts with some simple, effective motivators.

6 Ways to Manage Powerful Emotions

Heat-of-the-moment emotional responses aren't usually the best. The next time you're tempted to lash out, try these tricks to stay calm and in control.

Dealing With Debt: Credit Counselors

There are three heavily advertised ways to find help to dig out of debt: credit counseling, debt settlement and bankruptcy. Which is best? Let's find out, starting with a closer lo

6 Important Credit Card Lessons Your Parents Didn't Teach You

Chances are, your parents didn't pass down these sage pearls of credit card wisdom. It's never too late to learn new credit card tricks.

Here's How Debt Settlement Can Make Your Debt Worse

Debt settlement companies make a pretty convincing pitch, but beware: They just might leave you worse off.

50+ Unique Gift Ideas for Men

The picky guy in your life may seem like he already has it all, but we bet he'd still love some of these thoughtful gifts!

Do You Always Keep the Money You Find?

I am pretty short so I am close to the ground, and oftentimes I spot a coin or two and keep it. However, there are times when we find larger sums of money laying on the ground. W

How to Save on Babysitting Without Ending Up on the Local News

When babysitting rates hit $14 per hour — per kid! — it's time to think about cheaper (but safe) ways for parents to get stuff done and have fun.

Stop Making These 10 Bogus Retirement Savings Excuses

Your nest egg needs attention now if you want to ease smoothly into retirement later. No more excuses!

A Simple Guide to Rolling Over All of Your 401Ks and IRAs

Wondering what to do with your 401K or IRA after a job switch? We'll break it down for you.

7 Ways to Generate New Leads for Your Side Business

If you want to start earning good side income, it doesn't make sense to invest money in traditional marketing efforts right away. Here are 7 cheap or free ways you can use to

Best Money Tips: Hosting a Budget-Friendly Holiday Party

Today we found some great articles on planning holiday parties on the cheap, foods that boost your immunity, and saving money on your next car.

10 Time-Management Skills That Will Help Your Kid Win at School

Try teaching these crucial time-management skills at home and help keep your kids on the ball through the whole school year.

5 Latin American Markets to Watch

For those with a greater risk tolerance, growing Latin American economies offer opportunity. Is there room in your portfolio for a trip south?

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Topic: Keeping Your Money Safe! Join our conversation Beverly Harzog for chance to win $100 in Amazon gift cards!

5 Amazing Honeymoons That Only Seem Expensive

First comes loves, then comes marriage — then comes a fabulous and frugal honeymoon!