Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best UPS Backup Batteries

Power surges and outages can zap your sensitive electronics. Keep your gear from getting fried with one of these best five UPS backup batteries.

What Happens to Your Store Credit Card When the Store Closes?

The retailer behind your store-branded credit card just went kaput. What happens to your plastic — and your debt — now?

How to Fight Back Against Mortgage Discrimination

Several big banks have been accused of unfairly lending to minority borrowers. Here's how to see if your lender is playing fair.

3 Ways Confidence Makes You Better With Money

They say confidence is key, and your bank account likely won't argue. Go on — hold your head high and claim what's yours.

10 Easy Ways to be Nicer to the Environment and Your Wallet

Here are ten easy ways for improving both the environment and your lifestyle. Implement just a few of them and you'll likely see a benefit to your bank account at the end of th

10 Frugal-but-Classy Appetizers

Delicious appetizers are part of what make parties awesome — and what can make them expensive, too. Keep costs down with these recipes.

Jobless Americans Paying Fees for Unemployment Benefits

It seems crazy, but it's true — by receiving funds on prepaid cards, unemployed citizens are forced to pay fees to access cash when they need it the most.

16 Ways to Kick-Start Frugality

You don't have to change your whole life to start saving more and spending less. Start with one of these doable challenges and goals, and frugal it up from there.

3 Terrible Things Foreclosure Does to Your Credit

A foreclosure stings, but you can rebuild. Here's what it will do to your credit, and the steps to take to get it back.

The 4 Jobs People Quit the Most

Unless you're looking for a high-stress job that you'll probably leave within a few months, you should steer clear of these.

10 Life and Money Lessons Learned From Immigrant Parents

My immigrant parents have taught me many lessons about saving money, but the following 10 lessons were most influential in shaping how I lead my life as a 30-something today.

7 Nutrients You Need More Of

The latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans identified a handful of vitamins and minerals Americans weren't getting enough of. What are these seven nutrients, exactly?

6 Reasons Why Cash Is Still King

Learn the top reasons why cash is still king — even in the age of plastic.

13 Creative Ways to Avoid Spending Money

You're trying to stick to your budget, but it's really hard to stop spending! Resist the urge to spend with these 13 tricks of the tight-fisted.

Zooey Deschanel Never Pays Late Fees and 5 Other Smart Money Lessons From Celebrities

You don't have to be a spendthrift just because you're rich and famous. Here's how six super thrifty celebs get by.

7 Homemade Pet Products That Are Cheaper and Better Than Store Bought

Save money and keep your pets healthy and happy with pet gear you make at home for cheaper.

How (and Why) to Help Your Parents Pay Off Their Mortgage

Many parents find themselves saddled with a mortgage well into retirement. Learn how to help your folks pay off theirs without taking on the debt yourself.

6 Simple Seafood Appetizers to Impress Your Guests

Appetizers with an ocean flair are great for putting on the ritz at your next party (and we're not talking about the cracker).

Best Money Tips: 50 Fast Ways to Make $50

Today we found some great articles on fast ways to make $50, how to indulge without overspending, plus life and money lessons learned from Star Trek.

10 Relationship Rules You Should Be Breaking

Rules are made for breaking — even in relationships. Ditch these old-fashioned mandates that may just be holding you back.