Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Indoor TV Antennas

Most local TV stations broadcast in beautiful High Definition and other frequencies, for free, and anyone can watch. All you need is a good antenna.

12 Unique Ways to Score a Job Interview

If you want to move from applicant to interviewee, don't just send a resume and cross your fingers — try one of these creative methods instead.

FICO or FAKO: Are Free Credit Scores From Credit Cards the Real Thing?

Your credit card provider might offer your credit score —for free! — every month. Here's what you need to know about that complimentary number.

10 Places to Get Free Personal Finance Classes

Wise Bread is a great source of personal finance basics, but only one thing beats a proper, quality financial education — a FREE high quality financial education.

How to Help Your Adult Children Become Financially Independent

If your grown children are still depending on you for every little money matter, it's time to teach them how to go it alone.

50+ Uses for Citrus Peels

Don't toss those citrus peels just yet! There are so many amazing ways to put them to good use.

How to Pay for College When You Didn't Get a Scholarship

Worried that a lack of scholarships will stunt your college savings? Don't worry; there are other smart ways to afford your degree.

10 Things You Should Never Do After Getting a Raise

Congratulations on the raise — you earned it! Now keep it to yourself.

15 Smart New Uses for Hair Clips

Hair clips may be great for keeping long hair in order, but they have many other uses, too. Get creative and get clippin'!

9 Car Parts That Are Safe to Buy Used

Before your car repair bill drives off with your hard-earned money, consider lowering costs with some cheaper (and still reliable) used parts.

6 Ways to Split the Bill Without Losing Friends

Having dinner with friends is always fun, but awkwardness ensues when the bill arrives. It doesn't have to be that way, though.

7 Reasons You Need to Downsize

If your house is eating up too much of your time, energy, and cash, it may be time to find smaller digs.

5 Creative Uses for Stale Cereal

Don't toss out that stale breakfast cereal! Instead, check out these ways to ensure that none of it goes to waste.

15 Halloween Costumes for People Who Hate Dressing Up

If you think dressing up is a drag but still need a get up for a costume party, consider one of these low-effort, high-reward "costumes."

8 Ways to Lower Your Vet Bills

Just because your pets are beloved family members doesn't mean you should go broke paying for their medical needs.

10 Flight Booking Hacks to Save You Hundreds

Don't book another flight online until you've read this! It could save you a ton of money.

Get Free High-End Haircuts as a Hair Model

If your locks getting long, but your wallet is short, become a hair model. You can get a high-dollar cut for almost nothing.

Ask the Readers: What Small Thing Brings You the Most Joy?

Tell us what small thing brings you the most joy and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Prevent Plant Theft

Mean-spirited but common, plant thieves will cut your blooms, remove front-stoop pots, or even dig trees up from your yard. Learn how to foil them.

7 Warning Signs You're In Debt Denial

Denial can really throw your life off the rails. Denying your debt can be flat-out financially disastrous.