Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

11 Smart Ways to Get Some Sleep at the Airport

Airport hotels can be expensive. Here's how to take a serious snooze between flights.

8 Best Sites to Help Your Kids Learn About Money

Money lessons can be, well, a little dry for younger minds. Make them fun with these interactive websites!

How NOT TO Answer 10 of the Most Common Interview Questions

These 10 questions come up in job interviews all the time. Whatever you do, don't answer them like this.

6 Money Problems Our Grandparents Never Had

Our grandparents and great-grandparents weren't immune to money troubles, but these financial woes are a little more modern-age.

Using Time Horizons to Make Smarter Investments

A time horizon is the length of time you can leave money in an investment before you need it. Apply this concept to improve your financial health, now and later.

5 Dumb 401(k) Mistakes Smart People Make

There are lots of ways to go wrong with a 401(k). Don't hurt your retirement with any of these common mistakes.

9 Actions to Take When You're Denied a Credit Limit Increase

You want a higher credit limit, but your lender isn't on board. Some smart money moves now can solve this problem before you ask again.

9 Surprising Ways Marriage Can Make You Richer

Getting married can be one of the best financial decisions you'll ever make.

How Long Can You Really Live on Unemployment?

If you lost your job, could you afford to get by on unemployment benefits alone? It might be time to beef up that emergency fund.

20+ Ways to Use Sriracha (AKA Awesome Sauce)

Investing in one bottle of Sriracha chili sauce means no boring meals for a year! (Or almost month if you enjoy Sriracha as much as this writer does.)

4 Ways to Spot and Avoid a Fake Sale

Let's face it, retailers can outsmart even the savviest spenders. Are you falling prey to their little schemes?

12 Reasons Your Debt Isn't Diminishing

Uh oh — your debt burden has hardly budged from your initial starting balance. What are you doing wrong?

How I Erased $70,000 of Debt and Became an Eventual Millionaire

Personal finance blogger Jaime Tardy shares how she eliminated more than $70k of debt and then set her financial sights even higher.

9 Personal Things You Should Never Text or Email

Before you put all your trust in the Cloud, maybe reconsider sending any of these things over text or email.

13 Businesses Your Tween Can Start

Who says you need to be an adult to create a successful side hustle?

3 Tactful Ways to Ask for Money for Your Wedding

Asking your wedding guests for cash to pay for the wedding (or anything else) is awkward. See if one of these angles makes it easier.

Savor Your Trip and Save Big With These 5 Slow Travel Tips

By extending your time on the road, you can stretch your dollars and have more fun. Here's how slow travel saves you big.

Ask These 7 Questions to Help Choose the Perfect Credit Card

If you're considering applying for a new credit card, ask these questions to find the best one for you.

Don't Ruin an Antique! How to Tell If You Should Refinish Wooden Furniture

Refinishing your grandmother's old dresser might be a terrible idea. Learn when you should refinish wood furniture, and when you should use a professional.

16 Ways to Use Up Leftover Champagne

Don't pour last night's leftover champagne down the drain! Save it to use as a key ingredient in cocktails, desserts, soups, hair care, and more.