Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Secrets to Refinancing an Underwater Mortgage

An underwater mortgage can drag you down. Learn how to refinance and why now is a great time to contact a lender — even if you were previously denied.

You Shouldn’t Buy a Home If…

Home ownership isn’t for everyone. And even if it’s right for you, it might not be right for you right now. Read this to help figure out if you're ready.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Resolutions for 2014?

Tell us about your 2014 resolutions and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Getting by without a job, part 1--losing a job

Losing a job is always tough. During hard economic times--when it may not be possible to find another job as good as the one you've lost--it's even tougher. Here are a few steps

14 Popular Snacks You Can Make at Home

Store bought snacks are pricey and fattening. Whether you're craving salty or sweet, it's cheap and easy to make your own — and healthier, too!

11 Signs the Job Is Too Good to Be True

If a job sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Keep on the lookout for these sure signs of a shady job offer.

Can a Kindle Save You Money? Oprah's Coupon Code Makes It Easier

For awhile I have been pondering whether Amazon's Kindle reading device can really pay for itself. But something happened today that got me off the fence: Oprah shared a coupon cod

Ask the Readers: What Was Your Most Memorable Gift?

Tell us about your most memorable gift and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Sell a Car Without a Title

Ready to sell your set of wheels, but can't find the title for the life of you? You've got a few options.

The 5 Best Digital Food Scales

When trying to eat healthy, the right tools make it easy. Just use any of these digital food scales and your goal weight will be within your reach.

8 Amazing Hawaiian Resorts You Can Book With Rewards Points

Traveling to Hawaii isn't cheap, but credit card and loyalty rewards points can make your hotel stay cheap, or even free!

Ask the Readers: What Are Some Good Things That Happened to You in 2019?

Tell us about about the good things that happened to you in 2019 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Things Tax Preparers Should Tell You

Knowing the right questions to ask can help you get better advice and bigger refunds.

The 5 Best Chainsaws

Whether you need to trim a tree or cut up firewood, a chainsaw can help you make short work of it. Here are our picks for the five best.

Debt-Free Living IS Attainable: If You Want It, You Can Have It

Everyone loves talking about getting out of debt. It's easy to imagine the benefits. The trick is realizing that this lifestyle is actually attainable. It's a very real choice.

How to Get Out of Social Obligations That Break Your Budget

Stressed out over how to handle those birthday parties, weddings, and social invites you can't afford? Learn how to bow out gracefully.

6 Times When It's Okay to Take a Loan

There's nothing frugal about borrowing to support a lavish lifestyle. But for essential big purchases, it's okay to visit your bank.

6 Must-Haves for Your Travel First Aid Kit

Before you jet off on your next trip, make sure you have these items in your first aid kit.

Long Term Care Insurance for Wise Bloggers

You, your parents, or your siblings may at some point, at any age, need help with the daily tasks of living. Who will provide this help, and at what cost? Long Term Care (LTC) ins

4 Moves That Guarantee a Great Retirement

The number of Americans happy in retirement plummets each year. Avoid that fate and enjoy your golden years to the max.