Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

15 Cheap, Easy Ways to Make Your Home Safer

Taking care of a few simple home repairs and improvements can protect you and your family from minor accidents — or much worse.

Double-Dip-Proof Your Business

With fears swirling about a double-dip recession, many entrepreneurs are worried that we're in for another round of tough times.

6 Moves Every First Year Freelancer Should Make

Working for yourself is rewarding. Make these moves in your first year of business, and you'll be set for success.

20 Easy and Delicious Granola Recipes

Granola is one of the trendiest healthy snacks on the market. Make it yourself right at home to save money and try fun, flavorful mixes.

Paying for Pregnancy and Birth Without Health Insurance

Babies are expensive and seemingly un-affordable if you don't have insurance to cover the cost of pregnancy and birth. Here are some options for the uninsured.

The 7 Debt Payoffs That Boost Your Credit Score the Most

If you've got more than one kind of debt to repay, target the debt that hurts your credit score the most and watch your rating improve — fast.

16 Major Dos and Don'ts at a Job Interview

Your resume, network, online profiles all worked and you've landed the interview. Don't mess up now!

Be Careful Who You Owe: Here's Who Can Garnish Your Wages

Most Americans already live paycheck to paycheck. If you owe these four creditors money, well...that paycheck might get a little — or a lot — smaller.

14 Signs You Have a Toxic Relationship With Money

Money is just a tool, right? It is until it becomes part of our identity, and then it becomes a problem. Learn to identify the signs.

5 Fun and Unexpected Ways to Get Out of a Business Rut

When you and your small business really need inspiration to strike, your best bet is to think outside the box.

9 Best Free Financial Learning Tools

Whether you're baffled by bonds or confused by compounding, all the financial education you need is just a click away — and it's all free.

Do You Need a Disaster Survival Kit?

I've always thought of disaster preparedness as something for the highly paranoid or mildly insane. Current events have led me to believe in being better safe than sorry.

5 Surefire Ways to Maintain a Good Credit Score in Retirement

You relied on good credit to see you through to retirement — don't put those good financial habits aside just yet!

10 Quick Ways to Become More Hygienic

Guess what? Good hygiene means good health as well as good cleanliness. Clean up your act, inside and out.

Are You a Hothead? 10 Things Patient People Never Say

Sometimes even the best of us lose our cool. If you find yourself belting out any of these phrases frequently — you may need to tone it down.

Best Money Tips: Habits of Highly Successful People

Today we found some great articles on the habits of highly successful people, what you must to do retire early, and ways to save yourself from a fake sale.

How the subprime lending boom hurt everybody

Among the Wise Bread community, I get the sense that there's a kind of "pox on both their houses" attitude to the problems in the subprime mortgage markets. People who worked thro

5 Things You Should Never Buy on Groupon or LivingSocial

The venerable daily deal sites offer big savings, but from counterfeit cosmetics to pointless promos, these Groupon and LivingSocial deals aren't.

Poverty Makes You Stupid

Whether you're short money or time, the lack impairs your ability to think clearly and find abundance. A new way of looking at scarcity may offer a way out.

Rent Your Home or Buy? Here's How to Decide

Rent versus buy is an age-old housing conundrum. Make the decision easy with some math that's easy to figure.