Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Share Your Favorite FinCon Moments and Win $100!

We had a blast at the Financial Blogger Conference. Please come share your stories!

The many uses for empty plastic bottles

It's been a while since I did one of these video compilation posts, and the subject at hand is more than worthwhile. I thought I'd look around for innovative and inventive

What to Do if You've Signed Up for a Terrible Loan or Credit Card

Sometimes a loan or credit card doesn't work out to your favor. Is there any way out?

How to Find the Right Accountant for You

Finding the right accountant can make a world of difference when it comes to managing your money, but it can be easier said than done.

Relax... It's Only $2

Feeling stressed out, my first instinct is to schedule a one hour massage and order take out from the Chinese place. After doing t

7 Ways to Avoid Credit Card Fraud While Traveling

It's easy to get discombobulated when traveling. Follow these simple rules to card security, and your credit will stay combobulated the whole way.

Is there a secret code to control traffic lights?

So, what's the deal — is there actually a code to change the crosswalk light?

Book review: The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need

Andrew Tobias' The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need is the perfect book for every Wise Bread reader.

Make Homemade Dog Food with your Slow-Cooker

Awhile back, I told you how we had gone the way of homemade dog food. It isn’t jus

Why Can't You Ever Make On-Time Payments?

How frustrating is it to pay all of your bills each month when you finally get a minute to sit down and take care of things, only to find out later you got socked with penalties an

8 Smart Things to Do With Your Tax Refund

Turn your refund into smart investments that will grow over time.

Should You Hire a Broker to Buy a Car?

Believe it or not, paying someone to buy a car for you probably won't bust your car buying budget.

Your SSN Can Now Be Accurately Guessed Using Date and Place of Birth

It seems that nothing is safe any more. And now your Social Security Number, the lynchpin to you credit score, taxes, government benefits and more, is under attack. It can be guess

How NOT TO Answer 10 of the Most Common Interview Questions

These 10 questions come up in job interviews all the time. Whatever you do, don't answer them like this.

How to Solve These 6 Problems Your Heirs Could Have With Your Estate

If you have a will, you're ahead of most Americans — but don't pat yourself on the back just yet. Your heirs may still encounter some challenges.

6 Questions to Ask Before You Book a Vacation Package

Whether you're looking for an all-inclusive vacation package or a bulk vacation package, ask yourself (and the provider) these six questions.

20 Cute and Frugal DIY Clothes You Can Make for Your Kids

Hand-me-downs are smart and frugal, but these upcycled DIY duds for babies and kids are smart, frugal, AND cute!

8 Ways to Get Your Morning Coffee for Free

That daily cup of joe adds up! Save your money and score your caffeine fix for free.

Step-by-Step Guide to Doing a Balance Transfer on Credit Cards

Before you attempt a balance transfer, here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it right.

10 Fun Ways to Leave Your Job

Depending on the circumstances, leaving your job may be the best thing that's ever happened, or the worst. Either way, make the most of it!