Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Soy Milk, Tofu, and Veggie Burgers for pennies, anyone?

You can make soy milk, veggie burgers, and tofu at home for literally pennies on the dollar. $1.50 in soy beans can produce 24 meals. It's fun and super nutritious. Learn exactly h

7 Questions a Potential Employer Cannot Ask You

No, this list does not include "tell me about a time you messed up at work and what you did to fix it." You have to answer that one.

20 Smart Ways to Spend Your Loose Change

Keep loose change in a dedicated place, and in no time you'll have a nice chunk of change to put to good use. Here are 20 ideas to get you started.

How One Man Used Credit Card Rewards to Go to the Last 11 Super Bowls

And this year one super cardholder will make it 12 in a row.

The Recession Glossary

Insource? Bleisure? Double-dip? The recession has generated a lot of new terms. Learn what they all mean in this recession glossary.

5 Foods That Are Only Labeled Organic — But Really Aren't

Organic food comes at a premium, but you can't always trust the label. The organic stamp on these foods may be harmful to your wallet.

The Process for Purchasing a House With Cash

Last year, one Wise Bread writer and her husband purchased a property with cash. That's right — cash. Here's the process they went through.

5 Little Known Amazon Shopping Hacks

Amazon is famous for some great deals, but you might be missing out on these lesser-known, price-saving tricks that can save you even more.

9 Unexpected Expenses for Retirees — And How to Manage Them

Lots of things get cheaper as we age, but not everything. Be prepared for these unexpected retirement expenses.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/14, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $200 in Prizes!

Topic: Caregiving! Join our conversation AARP's Amy Goyer and AdCouncil for chance to win $200 in Amazon gift cards!

Apple introduces most outrageous “rewards” program in history

I love Apple as a brand. It makes great products, it has tremendous loyalty, but could I go as far as to tattoo the famous Apple logo on my body to get a lifetime discount? Well, t

Money Market Accounts: Ideal for Emergency Funds

With a higher return than a regular savings account, a money market bank account is a good choice for your emergency cash.

Ask the Readers: What Has Been Your Biggest Money Mistake?

Tell us about your biggest money mistake and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Questions to Ask Yourself to Help You Declutter

So much clutter is stuff that seems important, but really isn't. Give your things this quiz, and if they don't pass, it's time to let them go.

Your Loss Aversion Is Costing You More Than Your FOMO

Losing money hurts so much more than the thrill of getting it. Why is that?

8 Signs You Should Quit Your Job

If your job is taking more and more out of you, it may be time to find a new one. Consider these eight signs, and then consider updating your resume.

10 Monthly Bills You Can Slash

Stop gritting your teeth when you pay bills. With a little planning, you can slash your monthly expenses while experiencing little change in your living standards.

How to Prosper Despite the Coming Economic Challenge

2011 wasn't a great year for the economy. And most experts don't expect 2012 to be any better. What can small business do to survive, or even thrive, in a tough environment?

How One Family Lives Well (And Even Owns a Home) on Just $11 an Hour

Limited income, limited life — right? Wrong. Learn how the Luh family is thriving without a huge paycheck — and you can too.

Open a beer bottle with a sheet of paper

A friend sent me this link, knowing full well I'll never, ever need it (I carry a bottle opener on my keyring in case of such emergencies). [more]