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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

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Ask the Readers: What Do You Do When You Need to Recharge?

Tell us what you do to recharge and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Quick and Dirty Skin Care for Men: How Grandpa Used to Do It

Back in the day, careful personal grooming was manly. Get reacquainted with the simple skin care rites of our forefathers and look and feel younger, too.

How To Host A New Year's Eve Party On A Budget

With the New Year celebration just around the corner from the Christmas shopping season, many people skip hosting a New Year's Eve party due to financial concerns. Find out how you

5 Ways to Break Your Social Media Habit

Spending more time with your virtual community than with your real one? Discover how to limit your likes, shares, and tweets and regain control of your time.

16 Major Dos and Don'ts at a Job Interview

Your resume, network, online profiles all worked and you've landed the interview. Don't mess up now!

Life After Bankruptcy: What's Next?

There are repercussions to filing for bankruptcy, but like with other setbacks in life, you can recover. There is always hope!

Last-Minute DIY Halloween Costumes

It's few days before Halloween, and I have given barely a thought to what I'll wear...but I have some great ideas.

5 Multipurpose iPhone 4 Cases Fit for a Freelancer

Standard iPhone 4 cases don't do jack, but these five specimens work hard for your money by pulling double duty.

5 Careers Where Women Earn More Than Men

The wage gap is no secret. But in these five career fields, it's women who come out on top of the pay scale.

How to Enjoy Las Vegas Without Losing Your Shirt

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Except for your money. You don't have to leave it all behind.

What to Do If You're Retiring With Debt

Debt's a burden at any age. For retirees on fixed or reduced income, it can feel especially heavy.

Home Improvements That Pay Off

If you're eventually planning to sell your home want to spruce it up, follow these suggestions to make savvy improvements that provide the best ROI.

Best Money Tips: Secrets of Incredibly Productive People

Today we found some great articles on the secrets of incredibly productive people, reasons why you’ll never get rich, and how to handle three awkward money situations.

8 Ways to Make Sure You Never Pay an ATM Fee

If tapping the ATM results in repeated fees — you’re doing it wrong. It’s time to get smart about automatic money machines.

Do we really need help with getting more debt?

Today a new rescue program called the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) was announced by the Treasury and Federal Reserve to support owners of securities backed by

Didn't Get the Raise? Ask for This, Instead

When you get turned down for a raise, hope is not lost. There are other things your employer may be willing to give up, instead.

5 Awesome Alternatives to Groupon

Check out a few of the attention-worthy alternatives to the popular Groupon.

Like DIY? Avoid These 10 Costly Mistakes

I scoured the web looking for the obvious and not-so-obvious mistakes DIY addicts make and compiled this list.

How to Clean Your House in One Day

Yes, you CAN deep-clean your house quickly. Gather the troops, pump up the jams, and get down to business with these do-it-in-a-day tips.