Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Memory Foam Mattress Toppers

Getting a good night's sleep isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these memory foam mattress toppers and you'll be able to catch all the z's.

Why is it so expensive to be healthy?

Walmart is where lower income consumers come to shop. Why? Because you get the most bang for your buck. Walmart is also notorious for having the fattest customers. Why? It comes ba

4 Ways Outsourcing Chores Can Save You Time and Money

When household chores threaten to gobble up all your time, there's no shame in shelling out for a little help.

Does Your Teenager Really Need a Credit Card?

Does your teenager actually need a credit card? Probably.

What You Don't Know About Sushi

Think you know a thing or two about sushi, eh? I thought the same thing until Trevor Corson, author of The Zen of Fish made a guest appearance on my local radio station to dispe

Want to Keep Your Disposable Razor Blades Sharp? Use Your Arm

With these two tricks, you can keep one disposable razor blade sharp and ready-to-use for five months or more.

McMansion to McCottage: Why Smaller Houses Are Smarter

When it comes to our homes, is bigger always better? From saving money to cutting clutter and more, explore the benefits of buying or building small.

How to Make a Piggy Bank

Since I don't like being weighed down by these precious metals or the idea of losing them, I've started saving all of my loose coins in a do-it-yourself piggy bank.

4 Hidden Costs of a Luxury Car

A shiny new ride will certainly turn heads, but it will also turn your wallet inside out. Consider these luxe costs before you plunk down for a luxury ride.

25 Breakfast-For-Dinner Meals

Breakfast… for dinner? Go ahead, everyone does it, and you will more than once with these delicious recipes to choose from.

47 Simple Ways To Waste Money

How are you doing with your money? Do you have everything under control, or are you spending a little more than you should? Well, if you'd like to blow even more of your money, thi

The Secret Flight Search Site Savvy Travelers Use

ITA Flight Matrix might be the best flight search service you've never heard of. Learn how to use it to find the cheapest airfare anywhere.

Homemade and Store Bought Mouse Trap Designs That Work

If you have an unwelcome visitor in your home, you probably already have everything you need to make humane, or deadly, mouse traps.

Saving Goals for Every Age

Every time you enter a new decade of life, ask yourself: Is my savings on track?

Here's What I Learned About Money After Using Acorns

I've never been good with money. But in just three months of using Acorns, I've gotten a whole lot better.

7 Things Employers Care About More Than Your Degree

When you're applying for a new job, every advantage helps. And these days, a college degree alone just won't cut it.

When You Should Get a Business Credit Card Over a Consumer Card

Here's a breakdown of the extra benefits that come with a business credit card that you should consider.

How much do I need to retire? How much can I spend?

Especially for people hoping to retire early, but also those just hoping they can retire at all, there's the question, "How much money do I need?" People who are alr

9 Cheap Ways to Increase Your Knowledge and Earning Potential

A great way to increase your earning potential is through continuing education. These online tools will get you there.

How to Get Good Advice

Sometimes the shortest and best path to making a decision or solving a problem is to ask for insights from a wise person. Here are ways to make sure you are getting good advice.