Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 Money Questions You Should Be Able to Answer by Age 30

You're turning the big 3-0. Do you have the answers to these all-important money questions?

17 Cheap Ways to Dress Up Your Garden

Give your outdoor living space a little low-cost love this summer. No trips to the home and garden store required.

5 Ways Employee Perks Are Good for Business

Work perks keep employees happier, healthier, and more loyal. Find out how.

Is MagicJack a Scam?

MagicJack is a device that claims to offer unlimited local and long distance calling for just $20/year. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? I decided to dig around for myself.

10 Breakfast Foods to Help You Ace Your Job Interview

Before you head out for that job interview, make sure you've had a delicious, balanced breakfast.

13 DIY Clothing Projects for Men

Upgrade a wardrobe and cut your clothing costs with these simple and stylish DIY menswear projects.

5 Things Our Realtor Told Us That Weren't True

Our realtor told us several things that turned out to be untrue. Learn from these situations before taking their word for it.

How to Not Be a Wage Slave

Many of us make decisions that tie us to our jobs. But, one author argues, if we make the right choices, that's not the way it has to be.

18 Beauty Tips and Hacks for Summer

Summertime sun and fun can wreak havoc on your face, hair, and skin. Tune-up your beauty routine for the climate.

The 5 Best Hydrating Shampoos

Keeping your moisturized isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these hydrating shampoos and your hair will remain damage-free.

11 Ways to Make Money on Thanksgiving

While you're waiting for that turkey to roast, why not make a little extra cash?

Downside of the Rolling Jubilee

The Rolling Jubilee is a great PR move — buying, then forgiving debt from real people. But in terms of change, one writer says it might hurt more than help.

Should a Second Marriage Be Celebrated (and Paid for) Like the First?

People spend a lot of money to make their weddings once-in-a-lifetime experiences. So what do you do if you have a second one?

​How College Applicants Can Tour Scores of Campuses for $15 or Less

Real visits to potential alma maters can cost thousands. With the miracle of VR, you can get the feel for a far off campus for way, way less.

Quality Over Price: 15 Items to Spend More On

Want to make sure you're getting the best value for your dollars? When it comes to these 15 items, it makes sense to spend more.

Ask the Readers: How Are Your Financial Goals Coming Along?

Tell us about how your financial goals are coming along and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5-Day Debt Reduction Plan: Stop Waiting for Tomorrow

Debt sucks. It’s time to tackle it, today, before it turns into an even uglier monster. Get started reducing your debt by following this simple five-day plan.

3 Real Costs of Self-Publishing a Kids' Book

Think writing books for kids is an easy way to earn a living? Think again.

Why I Like Big Banks

Lots of people are ditching their big banks for credit unions — but not this writer. Read on to find out why she loves her big bank.

6 Questions to Ask Before You Book a Vacation Package

Whether you're looking for an all-inclusive vacation package or a bulk vacation package, ask yourself (and the provider) these six questions.