Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

15 Things You Can Do With a Credit Card Besides Buy Stuff

The plastic in your wallet is so much more than just a one-trick spending pony. Find out how to really put your credit to work.

Federal Stafford Loans

The federal government has established a student loan program to enable more students to obtain a college education. They come in two forms: subsidized and unsubsidized.

The Lazy Mom's Guide to Eczema Care

I found out a little too late that eczema can scar your kids. So I've developed a protocol that even the laziest moms can follow to keep mild-to-moderate eczema at bay.

Help End Hunger, Get Kindled, and 3 More Positive Web Tips You Should Know About

There are days when little bits of good news can help undercut the bad. With a recent initiative by Tyson to end hunger, a new super-groovy Kindle-esque iPhone app, and a killer c

My 2016 Budget Challenge: How to Buy a House When You Live Paycheck to Paycheck

Max shares what she learned about compound savings while saving for a house — and how she's using those lessons in this year's budget challenge.

Best Credit Cards for (New) Parents

Having kids changes your spending habits. Shouldn't your credit card change to match? Here are five smart cards to switch to post-baby.

8 of Your Childhood Heroes Filed for Bankruptcy

Honest Abe's not the only role model to have filed for Chapter 11.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 10/31

Today's great deals include 10-Piece Ceramic Cookware $54.99, BCBGeneration Dresses Under $85, Hunger Games paraphernalia, and more!

Preparing for Family Emergencies with Cloud Computing

Here are some of the most practical and simple ways to get your family's vital stats stored safely online, along with tips for retrieving it quickly!

How to recognize and answer illegal interview questions

In the United States job seekers are protected by a myriad of anti-discrimination laws. Despite these laws many potential employers still want employees that fit a narrow profile

A New Bank On The Block: Fee Free Banking with Simple

If you're looking for a great online bank with loads of tools and services and zero fees, check out the new bank in town: Simple.

Best Money Tips: First Signs of Spring

Ah, spring. A time for new growth, time spent outside with friends and family, and a several month supply of Zyrtec. Oh, and of course, some great blog posts by personal finance

How Much Money Will You Have in 30 Years?

A key part of financial planning is goal setting. With the help of a conservative economic forecast and a common financial equation, you can plan how to reach it.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 6/30, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Having a Frugal 4th of July! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

5 Best Amazon Deals for Monday 12/02

Today's great deals include $50 off Kindle Fire HDX 7", 50% off Mattel and Fisher-Price toys, Plantronics Bluetooth Headset $19.99, and more!

4 Ways This Little Known Health Benefit Saves You and Your Boss Real Money

These free employee benefit programs can change your life. Why are so few of us using them?

Best Money Tips: Summer Heat

It's summer! Kids are almost out of school! And bloggers are hard at work, ignoring the nice weather and unsupervised children, bringing you the best advice on enjoying the frug

5 Best Cities for Going Car-Free

If you're thinking of ditching your car for a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle, these are the cities you need to live in.

The 6 Worst Resolutions Most of Us Will Make for 2014

You'll probably be making one (or more) of these terrible — and common — New Year Resolutions. Here's how to make them stick.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Tuesday 12/31

Today's deals include Men's Hoodies/Fleece $24.99 and under, 50% off Intimate Apparel, Kids' Books $1, and more!