Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Benefits of Carrying a Mortgage Into Retirement

You wanted to ditch that mortgage before you retired; you didn't. That's OK! There are some benefits to bringing your home loan into your golden years.

How to Make Money as a Chat or Forum Moderator

Turn your Internet time sink into extra cash by becoming the nice, helpful person on the other side of the chat window.

4 Tech Add-Ons That Can Save Travelers Time and Money

Upgrade some of your tech gadgets and your next vacation will be even more amazing.

The 5 Best Pressure Cookers

Don't be intimidated by pressure cookers — these easy-to-use kitchen tools can dramatically reduce cooking time.

The 5 Best Panini Presses

Panini presses are good for more than just sandwiches — these great appliances can also help you grill up food quickly and easily.

How to Stay on Budget While Eating Paleo

Eating like a cave man can be surprisingly expensive. Use these tips to eat paleo wisely, without blowing your budget.

101 Ways to Save Money on Clothes

Get smarter about shopping, mending, laundering, and lots more, and you can cut your clothing budget while still looking sharp. Here's how.

7 Ways to Stay Calm in Stressful Moments

Feel stress? Practice calm.

Plan for expensive fuel

Does your budget include a contingency for fuel to get much more expensive? Because it ought to. I learned about the need for contingencies early. [more]

8 Ways to Prepare for a Stock Market Dive

Got a little bit jumpy after the last market downturn? Relax. Here's how you can be prepared for the next one.

5 Things a Homebuyer Shouldn't Say to a Seller's Agent

An open house is the perfect time to get the deets on your potential dream home. It's not the time to get chatty with the seller's agent.

9 Easy Home Improvements That Add Thousands to Your Listing

Grab your paintbrush! A few simple (and frugal!) improvements can add much-needed curb appeal — and dollars — to your home's selling price.

15 Things You Should Do Today to Prepare for a Pandemic Flu

For the past few years people have been telling us that it's not a matter of "if" a pandemic occurs, but a matter of "when." Well, a pandemic may be upon us. Or it may not. Either

Follow These 5 Credit Card Rules When Traveling Abroad

Travel is fun, and if you budget and plan well, it's affordable. Just don't let bad credit card habits eat up all your hard won savings.

Farewell to Homeownership: Lessons to Share

Losing your home is not the end of all things. In fact, it could be the beginning of something better. Learn from one writer's experience.

Are You Pursuing an Overcrowded Career Field?

It takes time, money, and effort to earn a degree or certificate for a chosen occupation. Before you commit, make sure the field has room for you.

I Pay for Things You Get for Free

Yup, I pay for things you get for free...and I save a lot of money in the process. Here's how you can do it too.

6 Parts Every Successful Budget Needs

No two budgets are the same, but most successful budgets have these key components in common.

How to Respond to House-Shaming

Everyone you know says you should buy instead of rent. Here's how to tell those house-shamers to pound sand.

The 5 Best Standing Desks

There's more to a standing desk than the extra height. Find out which desks rank the best durability, sustainability, and adjustability!