Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

14 Cool Uses for a Blender

Everyone's got one tucked away in some kitchen cabinet. If you're not getting enough mileage out of your blender, check out these 14 great uses.

15 Ways to Reuse Detergent Bottles

Instead of trashing them when the detergent runs dry, discover the multitude of uses for these very versatile bottles.

What Do the Chinese Spend Money On?

Chinese people generally save 30% to 50% of their take home pay. So where do they spend their savings — and what can we all learn from them?

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Holiday Travel?

Tell us how you save on holiday travel and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Garden Ideas for Small Spaces

With a move on the horizon, from residential house to suburban apartment, I realize I can't forgo the garden.

Making Money From Clinical Trials: Worth the Risk?

Participating in a clinical trial can deliver a sizable payday in a short period of time...but is the money worth the risk?

5 Times It's OK to Pause Saving and Investing

Saving and investing is always a good idea; however, if you're facing one of these money struggles, take time to clear the crisis before you start investing again.

7 Surprising Benefits of Failure

Falling on your face hurts twice if you fail to learn why you fell.

8 Ways to Turn Your Stress Into Money

These days, who isn't stressed out. Channel that energy into more money and it might just be able to relax a little.

These 6 Things Will Make Your Next Flight More Comfortable

Dreading your next flight? These tricks will make your time in the sky way more comfy.

7 Ways Retirement Planning Changes When You're Single

Retirement planning is not one-size-fits-all. And if you're single, you'd be wise to prepare for some unique concerns — and benefits!

Drive the Old Car or Buy a New Car?

The cost of a new car can be much bigger than the sticker price...even going so far as to affect your retirement savings.

Can You Buy Your Way Out of the Rat Race?

If you're tracking your spending, you know how much money it takes to live on. If you're tracking your investments, you know about how much return you're getting from your capital.

Eat These 6 Foods to Stay Healthy While Traveling

Worried about weight gain or indigestion on the road? Bring healthy foods with you and you'll be able to fully enjoy your travels.

Technology Hacks for the International Traveler

Getting ready to travel abroad? Take your tech with you!

The Key to Happiness: A Case Study

Let's explore the lives of two very different people with an aim to discover what the key to happiness is. It may be simpler than you think.

What Would It Take For You to Relocate for a Job?

Last year was a challenging year for American job seekers as corporations cut millions of jobs amidst the recession. This is why I was surprised to read that according to Challenge

7 Weird Money Laws You May Have Broken

Paying with certain coins, charging for certain mystical services, even dancing. All make this list of some of the world's weirdest laws governing money.

Stop! Don't Make These 6 Dumb Mistakes With Your Financial Windfall

We all dream about scoring a big financial windfall — and all the great ways to spend it. If fortune does favor you, don't blow it!

20 Gifts for the Guy Who Has Everything

What do you get for the guy who seems to have everything (or, at least, wants almost nothing)? Check out this list of practical and experience-based gifts.