Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Time-Saver Meals?

Tell us about your favorite time-saver meals and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Home DIY Projects You Can Do in One Day

A one-day DIY project can spruce up your home and give you a sense of accomplishment without the time commitment of a bigger project.

How to Get Free or Cheap Internet Access

From reconnecting with friends to watching videos and more, surfing the Internet can be awesome...and expensive. Discover ways to browse the web for less.

12 Crucial Things Homebuyers Overlook at Open Houses

Know the difference between the things that matter and those that don't, when looking at an open house.

This One Ratio Is the Key to a Good Credit Score

Understanding this key credit scoring ratio may be the secret to unlocking a higher credit score. The math is simple, and so is the strategy.

10 Easiest Items to "Flip" for Cash

There are tons of things in your house right now that could easily be flipped for cash. It just takes a good eye and some elbow grease!

11 Easy Ways to Fix Your Whole Life This Summer

Rather than focusing on getting your body "bikini-ready," make a few easy lifestyle changes and live your best life.

20 Delicious Recipes for Canned Clams

Canned clams may not top everybody's list of favorite seafood staples, and that's a shame, because the affordable bivalve is delicious in dips, soups, pastas and more.

21 Things You Should Make Your Kids Pay For

Instead of buying that shiny new toy for your kiddoes, maybe they should pay for it.

5 Kinds of Insurance Every Retiree Should Consider

Your insurance needs change over time. When you reach retirement, they'll change again.

The 5 Best Board Games for Children

Board games can be educational for children, teaching them critical thinking, reading, and even money skills. Get any of these five and your kids will have a blast.

The Best 10 Items to Borrow

Sharing seldom-used items among friends and neighbors is a great (and earth-friendly!) tactic for saving money. Here are the best things to borrow, not buy.

101 Tax deductions for bloggers and freelancers

Anyone here like doing taxes? Didn’t think so. We all have to do them; we all have to pay money to Uncle Sam (although some get away with paying much less than others). But as

9 Must-Have Items You Need to Create the Perfect Remote Office

Working from anywhere in the world is a freelancer's dream, but in order to make it a reality, you need the right office items.

Best Money Tips: Small Lifestyle Changes That Make a Big Difference

Today we found articles on simple changes that make a big difference in your life, health foods you should make at home, and fun things to put on a calendar.

Should You Treat Your Social Security Benefits Like a Bond?

A lot of things can impact your retirement investment strategy. Should your future Social Security benefits be one of them?

7 Common Travel Myths That People Need to Stop Believing

You've always wanted to travel more, but you worry about the cost or the risks or the inconvenience. Good news -- your worries are probably unfounded.

10 Things to Know Before You Start a Home Improvement Project

Don't take a hammer to that wall you want to tear down until you consider these things first.

America Is the No Vacation Nation

Studies show that Americans are not using all their vacation time and are not given as much vacation time as other developed countries to begin with.

15 Alternative Uses for Nail Polish

Nail polish makes fingers and toes pop with brilliant color — but it can also do a whole lot more. Discover the many uses for the product in those tiny bottles.