Borrowing money against your credit card may be more costly than you think. Consider these strategies to avoid cash advances, or at least minimize their costs.
Today we found articles on the top tips for saving money on clothing, legit ways to lower your student loan payments, and the best plants to grow if you want to save on groceries.
There are times when spending is the same as investing. And when it comes to putting your best face forward in a job search, you should invest in yourself.
Invest... in a resume writer.
Today we found some great articles on things to do before you buy a used car, emotional mistakes that keep you poor, and major dos and don’ts at a job interview.
As a writer for a blog thatâs growing in popularity, Iâm noticing that several different types of blog commenters exist. And not just on Wisebread, but also on every other blog I read. [more]
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
Why Brand Image Is Important to the Tiniest of Businesses
Many small business owners overlook -- or avoid -- brand building. Too often, that's a critical mistake.
Score! How to Host a Great Game Night
If you want to have fun and socialize without dropping lots of cash, a game night is totally the answer. Here's how to make it awesome.
Keith Knight of the K Chronicles - Keepin' Kool on the Cheap
Keith Knight, award-winning creator of the K Chronicles and (th)ink, dishes on a life of frugality.
Best Money Tips: Quick Cheats to Save Time
Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save time, fix furniture, and use rubber bands.
Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 6/11, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes
Topic: Summer Travel on the Cheap! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!
15 Great Brand Name Beauty Buys Under $10
Putting on a prettier face shouldn't wipe out your budget. Get your glam on a shoestring with these stellar beauty buys — all under $10!
Free Ways to Keep Big Brother Out of Your Bidness
Cell Phone Madness I just love finding out that the government can find new and unique ways to listen in on our lives. [more]
Best Money Tips: Inexpensive Ways to Boost House Value
Today we found some great articles on inexpensive ways to boost house value, counterfeit vs. real goods, and tax tips for the unemployed.
How to Reduce the Costs of a Cash Advance
Borrowing money against your credit card may be more costly than you think. Consider these strategies to avoid cash advances, or at least minimize their costs.
Join Our Tweetchat on Thu 3/22, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes
Topic: Taxes! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift certificates! Use #WBChat to participate!
Best Money Tips: How to Score Radical Savings on Clothing
Today we found articles on the top tips for saving money on clothing, legit ways to lower your student loan payments, and the best plants to grow if you want to save on groceries.
How to Avoid New Carry-on Luggage Charges
New fees for carry-on luggage have started creeping up on consumers. Discover how to pack defensively and avoid these extra charges.
Financial Lessons From The Hunger Games
The popular story takes place in what might seem like a very different society, but it has many real-world lessons.
When to Splurge: Resume Writer
There are times when spending is the same as investing. And when it comes to putting your best face forward in a job search, you should invest in yourself. Invest... in a resume writer. [more]
5 Surefire Ways to Maintain a Good Credit Score in Retirement
You relied on good credit to see you through to retirement — don't put those good financial habits aside just yet!
5 Habits Science Says Will Make You Smarter
Give your a gray matter a boost. These five habits will make you sharper, more alert, smarter, and cleverest of all — they're easy.
Best Money Tips: 11 Things to Do Before Buying a Used Car
Today we found some great articles on things to do before you buy a used car, emotional mistakes that keep you poor, and major dos and don’ts at a job interview.
Give it a REST!
So you've heard of a sleep debt. [more]
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly - What Kind Of Blog Commenter Are You?
As a writer for a blog thatâs growing in popularity, Iâm noticing that several different types of blog commenters exist. And not just on Wisebread, but also on every other blog I read. [more]
Best Money Tips: Take Advantage of Happy Hour
Today we found some great articles on taking advantage of happy hour, reasons to update your resume regularly, and improving your credit score.