Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

28 Ways to Never Pay Full Price for Anything

Before you spend one cent on anything today, arm yourself with proven strategies that will help you avoid paying full price ever again.

Using Your Roth IRA as an Emergency Fund — Ever a Good Idea?

You know you need an emergency fund, but you just don't have one. When "disaster" strikes, where can you turn for fast cash? Your Roth IRA can help.

5 Job Hunting Roadblocks Millennials Must Overcome

If you're a millennial looking for work, get ready to face a tougher path to success than the generation before you. And if you're a Boomer or an Xer hiring -- lighten up already!

10 Places to Get Free Personal Finance Classes

Wise Bread is a great source of personal finance basics, but only one thing beats a proper, quality financial education — a FREE high quality financial education.

How to Get Over These 5 Scary Things About Investing

If fear is holding you back from investing, screw your courage to the sticking place! Stop letting fear make your money decisions for you.

Stop Thinking of Your House as an Investment

Your home may be where your heart is, but it's not an investment.

How to Win a Fraud Dispute With Your Credit Card Company

Thanks to the Fair Credit Billing Act, the law's on your side when it comes to fraudulent card account charges. Here's how to protect your rights (and your wallet).

9 Signs You're Making All the Right Career Moves

It's hard to predict the future when it comes to your career. But if you notice these positive signs, you're probably on the up and up.

Getting by without a job, part 2--boost income

There are countless ways to raise your income, besides the obvious one of getting a job. Here are a few categories, and a few suggestions.

Do You Really Need a 20 Percent Down Payment for a House?

Don't let the giant down payment dash your dreams of homeownership. You have other options!

5 Low-Cost, Low-Maintenance Alternatives to the Family Dog

  There’s something about owning a pet that appeals to everyone. [more]

9 Car Parts That Are Safe to Buy Used

Before your car repair bill drives off with your hard-earned money, consider lowering costs with some cheaper (and still reliable) used parts.

5 Essentials for Building a Profitable Portfolio

Investing is a bit of an art form, but it doesn't need to be a complicated one. Know the essentials, and you'll be on your way to great returns.

12 Ways to Save Cash on New Clothes

From tips on where to shop to ways to update your existing wardrobe, these suggestions make it easy to stay stylish without breaking the bank.

7 Reasons You Need to Downsize

If your house is eating up too much of your time, energy, and cash, it may be time to find smaller digs.

8 Questions to Ask Before Buying Any Stock

Before you dive headfirst into owning a stock, do some digging on exactly where you're investing your dollars.

7 Smart Ways to Invest in Your Health

Looking for a smart place to put your money? You don't have to look far.

4 Ways to Make Money From St. Patrick's Day

Bring a little luck of the Irish to your bank account with these easy ways to earn some greenbacks on St. Patty's Day.

5 Easy Ways to Declutter Your Digital Life

Your digital life can become overwhelming quickly if you don't get organized. Start decluttering your bytes!

Ask the Readers: How Do You Have Frugal Fun?

Tell us how you have frugal fun and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!