Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Reasons Being a Millionaire Is Overrated

Being a millionaire sounds pretty great. Is it really?

How to Choose the Perfect Country to Retire In

Choosing which country to retire in can be tough. Here's how to ensure you make the right decision.

9 Ways to Make Money From Holiday Gifts You Don't Want

Not sure what to do with the toe socks you got from Aunt Sally? Turn those and the rest of your unwanted holiday gifts into cash!

Step-by-Step Guide to Doing a Balance Transfer on Credit Cards

Before you attempt a balance transfer, here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it right.

35 Resources for Female Entrepreneurs

Starting a business can be daunting, but from nitty-gritty legal advice to inspiration from successful business owners, these resources can help.

How to live on $12,000 a year

In my first job out of college, I was on 12,000 English pounds per year. That was back in London in 1996, i was single, lived with two friends and only had rent and travel to pay for. And I still remember how tough that was. [more]

2-Minute Read: What You Need to Know About Cash Advances

Before you request a cash advance through your credit card, scan this quick read so you understand what's involved.

11 Steps to Take When Bankruptcy Is Your Only Option

A bankruptcy can sting, but it just may be the lifeline your finances need.

6 Things You Might Miss in Your Credit Card's Fine Print

Did you read the fine print before you signed up for that credit card? You should have: What you don't know might hurt you.

Best Money Tips: Maximize Your Space With These Tiny House Trends

Today we found articles on tiny house trends to maximize your space, money lessons we can learn from football, and online security steps to take this holiday season.

How Retailers Manipulate You Into Spending

Whether you're at the mall or online, retailers have plenty of tricks to help separate you from your cash. Learn what they are so you can shop smarter.

11 Silent Budget Killers You Don't Notice

Wondering where all your money's gone? You spent it when you weren't looking.

How to Get a Truly Free Credit Report

If you want a truly free credit report, ignore the clever ads and go straight to the source — where there are no strings attached.

What to Do When Your Belongings Get Stolen Abroad

Losing your belongings or having them stolen while on vacation is a nightmare, but don't panic. Here's what you need to do.

10 Easy to Learn Skills That Will Save You Money

Stop paying someone else to do things you can do. You're more than capable of learning these 10 skills, and you'll save hundreds per year.

4 Retirement "Rules of Thumb" That Actually Work

Take some guesswork out of retirement planning with these four financial rules of thumb. They really do work!

How to Buy a Digital Camera

Whether you want a point-and-click pocket camera or something professional-level, find out what to look for, from megapixels to memory.

11 Ways to Update Peanut Butter and Jelly

PB&J is quick, easy, and delicious. But even the most ardent peanut-butter-and-jelly lovers can get bored by eating the same three ingredients.

5 Reasons July Is a Great Month for Stocks

July is usually a banner month for the stock market. In between sand castles and sunbathing, here's why you should do some investing!

The Smart Way to Budget on a Freelance Income

Managing your money as a freelancer isn't easy, but with this easy five-step plan, you can level out the highs and lows.