Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

20 Secrets of Last-Minute Travel

If you have the urge to roam, but don't care too much about where you wind up, these planning tips will get you there cheap, wherever "there" happens to be.

9 Dumb Ways You're Going to Waste Money This Summer

Summer is here! Just be wary of these common summer spending traps.

The 7 Most Important Financial Moments of Your Life

These turning points in your life bring critical money matters to the table. Are you ready?

4 Ways Women Can Avoid Paying the "Pink Tax"

Women are fighting for equal pay, but they also have to deal with unequal pricing for certain products. Here's how to become a smarter shopper to avoid the "pink tax."

Want Free HBO or Showtime? Just Ask.

Premium channels come with premium prices. Usually, between $10 and $20 a month, depending on the channel and your cable/satellite company. But here's something that applies across

5 Ways to Prevent the Winter Blues from Busting Your Budget

The winter blues can put heavy strain on your sleep, diet, and, you guessed it — even your finances. Here's how to perk up — for your money's sake.

10 Quick Ways to Become More Hygienic

Guess what? Good hygiene means good health as well as good cleanliness. Clean up your act, inside and out.

7 Lessons From Tax Day to Remember for Next Year

With Tax Day now behind you (phew!), it's time to reflect on a few lessons that might make next April a little less stressful.

Are You a Hothead? 10 Things Patient People Never Say

Sometimes even the best of us lose our cool. If you find yourself belting out any of these phrases frequently — you may need to tone it down.

Teaching Preschoolers About Money: An Interview With Beth Kobliner

Start teaching your preschooler financial savvy with some help from expert Beth Kobliner and the familiar characters of Sesame Street.

The 5 Best Camping Stoves

Cooking meals in the great outdoors isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these camping stoves and you can have a delicious dinner in the middle of the woods.

4 Low-Cost Alternatives to a 4-Year Degree

College is not cheap, but don't be dismayed. You can still find success without a four-year degree.

The 6 Biggest Financial Decisions in Your 20s

Your 20s are exciting — but also the time to get your finances straight for the decades to follow. Make these smart money moves before it's too late.

Turn $1 into $100 in about 2 minutes.

So, I can think of a few ways to turn a $1 into a $100 bill in a few minutes. One would be to back a winning horse that has ridiculous odds. Another is to steal it. You could always ask your kind folks or other relatives for the money. [more]

11 Finance Tips You Wish You Could Tell Your Younger Self

The carefree spend-happy days of your youth seem cringe-worthy now. If only you could go back and give yourself this advice...

The 5 Best Jump Starter Kits

There are few things worse than car trouble, but the right tools can minimize the misery. Use any of these jump starter kits the next time your car won't start.

The 5 Best Mattresses

Your mattress can affect how you sleep — and how you sleep can affect almost everything else in your life. Rest easy with one of these great mattresses.

8 Sneaky Ways You're Being Upsold

If you have money to spend, chances are, it's going to get spent — especially if you stumble into any of these upsell opportunities.

Should Your Kids Contribute to Family Money Goals?

Setting money goals together as a family can set your kids up for future financial success. Try it with your kids and watch them prosper.

8 Amazing Hawaiian Resorts You Can Book With Rewards Points

Traveling to Hawaii isn't cheap, but credit card and loyalty rewards points can make your hotel stay cheap, or even free!