Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Which Baby Products are a Waste of Money?

My husband and I are expecting a little baby boy this Halloween. Right now I am in the process of researching which baby products are necessary and which are a waste of money. He

Thirteen Minutes to a Lower Cable Bill

As with many overpriced services, getting a better deal on pay-TV isn't hard. Just call armed with better competitive offers and threaten to leave. I did it on-camera in this story

Dream Job or Day Job?

Most people I know have a frustrated passion. There's something they'd rather do a lot more of, but making a living gets in the way. Some people simply accept that their passion wi

Turn Off Your Air Conditioning

Most people lack the skills for getting by without air conditioning. Here's a quick primer.

Cut-Rate Condiments: Homemade Mayo

When the price of my beloved Best Foods (also known as Hellman’s, for you folks east of the Rockies) rose to over $6 (30 oz.) here, we switched to a store brand. It was sl

10 Ways to Prevent an Emergency From Driving You Into Debt

If you're caught short when life catches you short, don't panic. Instead, try these strategies to manage an emergency and avoid debt.

Here's How Your Taxes Will Change After You Start a Small Business

A lot goes into firing up a small business or side job. Prepare to tackle some tax changes, too!

12 Ways to Tell the Difference Between Being Frugal and Being Cheap

How far is too far when it comes frugal living?

60+ Things You Can Decorate With Washi Tape

Colorful washi tape is easy to work with and suitable for a bunch of fun design and decoration projects. Where will you stick washi tape next?

Deferred Interest Credit Cards: Don't Fall For This Trick Over The Holidays

Beware of deferred interest credit cards that will be offered at checkout counters while you do your holiday shopping! They're really expensive if you're not careful!

Trailers for Ths American Life

"We wanted to make a TV show that feels like the radio show, but isn't just the radio show on TV." Can This American Life successfully transfer its intimate and quirky storytelling style onto [more]

What to Stock in Your Freezer Before Baby Arrives

Your freezer can be an amazing source for quick, healthy, and ready-to-eat meals — especially if you have a little one on the way.

8 More Smart Things to Do With Your Tax Refund

Filing taxes can be a pain in the you-know-what, but it's all worth it when the refund arrives. Use the extra cash wisely with these eight suggestions.

I Lost My Tax Documents… Now What?

Now where did that missing 1099 go…? Never fear, here's how to deal with lost tax documents.

How To Read an Annual Report

If you're like most investors, those bulky annual reports that arrive on your doorstep are a waste of time and resources. If you want to get the most out of your annual reports,

9 Ways to Snag a Bag (For Free!)

Reusable shopping bags are growing in popularity, and while they are a super way to save on plastic, they can be pricey for those of us who lug home two full

How a Teenager Started A Multi-Million Dollar Online Business with a Parrot. UPDATED

Sit down and grab a cup of your favorite beverage. I’m about to tell you the remarkable story of a young man who has built a successful online business; one that makes in excess of

25 Ways to Simplify Your Life — Today

One of the best things about simple living is how easy it is. Get started today with one (or more!) of these simplifying tricks.

20 Smart Ways to Spend Your Loose Change

Keep loose change in a dedicated place, and in no time you'll have a nice chunk of change to put to good use. Here are 20 ideas to get you started.

Same-As-Cash Store Offers vs. 0% Intro APR Credit Cards — Which Is Right for You?

Your favorite store may offer a "same as cash" deal with no-interest financing. Beware — it's not the same as getting 0% APR on new purchases.