Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Secrets to a Dream Retirement

Today we found some great articles on secrets to a dream retirement, ways to use your tax refund as parents, and 12 financial tips for debt-burdened new grads.

Best Money Tips: Factors That Can Raise Your Insurance Premiums

Today we found some stellar articles on factors that can raise your insurance premiums, buying high-quality low-priced furniture, and living frugal but looking rich.

Ask the Readers: Have You Finished Your Back-to-School Shopping?

Tell us if you've finished your back to school shopping and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: What Do You Do to Relax?

Tell us about what you do to relax and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: Are You Part of a CSA?

Tell us whether you're part of a CSA and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

My 2016 Budget Challenge: Finding Food

From the streets of LA to the forest floor, Max Wong is finding brilliant ways to cut food costs on her way to finding an extra $31K this year.

Ask the Readers: Do You Belong to Any Loyalty Programs?

Tell us whether you belong to any loyalty programs and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Garage Triage: Organize Your Garage for Maximum Chore and Storage Efficiency

If your garage is filled with everything but a car, reclaim that space. Get creative, get organized, and transform how you use your garage.

Worried About an Audit? Six IRS Red Flags

Is your tax return a magnet for an IRS audit? Find out the 6 things that draw the attention of the IRS and what you can do to minimize your chances of getting audited.

Best of personal finance: Let's just stop listening to the news, shall we?

Valentine's Day ideas on the cheap, why healthcare needs to be reformed (it's pro-business to reform it!), CEO salary caps are just mean and cruel to the poor CEOs, what happens wh

Could you determine someone's creditworthiness by his or her looks?

Today I read about an interesting study done by Rice University on the correlation between trustworthiness and looks. The researchers utilized the popular peer to peer lending sit

8 Ways to Survive the April 18th Tax Deadline

Not ready for the big day? Use our helpful tax guides to get you through our crazy tax code.

Child Abuse and the Recession

As the economy falters, so does the patience of some parents, leading them to act out their frustrations in the worst possible way. Here are some tips on how to avoid this loss of

13 Ways to Come Out of Christmas With a Healthier Savings Account

The holidays are tough on the budget and on savings. Come out ahead this year with these creative income boosts and cost cutters.

5 Best Amazon Deals for Tuesday 12/24

Today's deals include 40% off dessert cookbooks, gift one Kindle book, get one 50% off, Brother Project Runway sewing and embroidery machine 61% off, and more!

Cheap Thrills That Actually Satisfy

From whipping down hills to walking out on a stage and making up everything on the spot, discover cheap thrills that satisfy.

Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Dryer Sheets

Putting on soft clothes that just came out of the dryer is great — but traditional dryer sheets are filled with chemicals. Instead, make this eco-friendly version.

Weekend Getaway Giveaway

Don't miss your chance to win $550 in prizes from CouponPal and!

Here's the Best Reason to Eat More Chocolate

Learn why chocolate can be a "Super Food," and how to get the most healthy goodness you can with every delicious bite.

Best Money Tips: Useful Things to Do With Your Tax Refund

Today we found some fantastic articles on useful things to do with your tax refund money, when renting makes more sense than buying, and reasons to use a cash-only spending plan.