Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Stuff We Love: Comfortable, Stylish Clarks Dress Shoes for Men

You won't confuse a pair of Clarks for a pair of Brunos. But then, a pair of Clarks won't drain your bank account and leave you footsore at the end of the day, either.

5 Things to Remember Every Time You Face a Financial Failure

Everybody falls down, even when it comes to their money. The key to success is getting back up again.

7 Worst Reasons NOT to Buy a House

If you're avoiding homeownership, make sure it's not for one of these not-so-great reasons.

19 Fun, Cheap Projects to Try This Weekend

No plans this weekend? Try these fun and cheap weekend projects.

7 Money Leaks You Need to Plug

You're dumping cash out the window (sometimes literally) if you don't plug these money leaks ASAP.

Seller Funded Down Payment Assistance Charities - Scammers or Saints?

The United States House of Representatives just passed a massive mortgage bailout bill that includes many changes to the Federal Housing Administration and the Government Sponsored

The 6 Personal Finance Rules Everyone Must Follow

The Internet is awash in free financial advice. This short list of basics will put you on firm financial ground today and on the way to a wealthier tomorrow.

5 Frugal Rules You Must Follow When Shopping at Costco

Everything is cheaper at Costco, right? Maybe not. Follow these tips to ensure that you don't waste money at the wholesale store.

Cleaning Out for a Cause: Make a Noncash Tax-Deductible Donation

Donating your used goods can help those in need, reduce clutter, and give you a nice tax deduction. Here's what you need to know to donate goods before the end of the year.

6 Things You'll Encounter When Taking Over a Loved One's Finances

Chances are most of us will eventually have to manage our parents' money. It's not as easy as it looks.

10 Ways to Save Money When You Are Unemployed

It's always good to be mindful about spending, but for the unemployed, an abstract should is a real world must. Here's how to cut back, fast.

How to Tell You've Become a Financial Grownup

You're all grown up! Becoming a financial grownup, however, is another story.

Get More Points for Business Purchases with the Chase Ink Business Preferred Credit Card

The Chase Ink Business Preferred Credit Card awards as many as 3 points for each dollar spent on your business purchases.

Women Pay More for Health Care — Here's How to Pay Less

Many factors can spike your health care costs through the roof. Including being a woman.

5 Checkout Line Tricks to Finish Shopping Faster

It's hard to get in and out of the grocery store when you're in a rush. But these tips will help you master that.

Are Extended Warranties Ever a Good Deal?

I've never bought a lottery ticket, but I do often buy extended warranties. Why? Because I am brutal on my possessions. I drop them, I spill things on them, I crash them into thing

How to Buy Art as Gifts

Beautiful, original pieces of art make for excellent gifts, and they don't have to be expensive. Learn how to find the right one for your loved one at a price you can afford.

8 Powerful Brain Hacks You Can Do in Under 2 Minutes

Your brain is a powerful tool! Make sure you're using its power for good.

5 Reasons a Home Sale Could Fall Through

Your house is on the market, and you finally got an offer. Done deal, right? Not so fast...

7 Ways to Rent An Apartment With Bad Credit

Bad or low credit makes everything hard — even renting an apartment. Here's how you can still find a place when your credit is weak.