Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Popsicle Molds

Store-bought popsicles are great, but the DIY versions are even better. Just use any of these popsicle molds and your summer treat game will be on point.

Dry Cleaning: Hazard to Your Wallet (and Maybe Your Health)

Dry cleaning may seem like a necessary evil but it can also be costing you more than you know. Learn why dry cleaning costs are so high and how you can stop letting this service ta

How to House Hunt Without Leaving Your Couch

Find the perfect new home right from the comfort of your couch. Isn't technology wonderful?

Score Coupons for Every Online Store (Even the Ones That "Don't Have Coupons")

Don't ever click "Buy" unless you have a discount code. Here's where to find those coupon codes, no matter where you shop.

The Joys of Plus Size Shopping for Women

Shopping for the Plus Size gal can be fun if she takes stock in what she's working with and goes to those designers that work with her.

Jack Bauer Never Buys Anything — How TVs Frugalest Characters Get by With Less

From Jack Bauer to Scooby-Doo, there are plenty of TV characters who know how to squeeze a dollar. Here are nine to watch for.

What Is Your Financial Kryptonite (and How to Conquer It)

Is it shoes? Saving? Fear of investing? Learn how to recognize your personal finance kryptonite — and then learn how to beat it.

9 Sweet Valentine's Day Gifts to Give to Your Truest Love — You!

Who needs a date on Valentine's Day when you can shower yourself with fun and wholesome treats?

If You're Doing This on Your First Date, You're Not Getting a Second

First dates are nerve-wracking, but you can end them fast — and your shot at a second — before they even get started with any of these moves.

What Does "Free" College Tuition Really Pay For?

Free tuition sounds like every student's dream come true. But would it actually be "free?"

Signing Up for Obamacare in 2015? Here's What's New

Open Enrollment for ACA health care ends soon. Here's what you need to know before you make your choices on the exchange.

Simplify Your Life With These 27 Monthly Subscription Services

From on-demand TV to on-demand TV dinners, your life could get a whole lot easier with these monthly subscription services.

Is Social Media Killing Your Business?

Facebook, Twitter, G+ can all be cost effective marketing tools. They can also be time and resource sinks.

Deal Killers: 5 Phrases to Avoid When Negotiating

Negotiating can sometimes be stressful, and that stress can make buyers and sellers say dumb things. Learn to score better deals by avoiding these phrases.

Book review: Your Money or Your Life

This book is one of the classics of modern frugality, and it's been a source of some controversy. At the bottom, though, its message is a simple one: Pay attention. Pay attention t

What's Your Green Resolution?

Wise Bread bloggers share green resolutions for the upcoming year, beginning on October 15, 2007: Blog Action Day. Tell us what actions you intend to take to improve the environ

Best Money Tips: 5 Parts of an Airplane You Shouldn't Touch

Today we found articles on the parts of an airplane you should avoid, pool exercises that help boost weight lost, and timesaving gardening tips for busy people.

Papa Murphy’s update: nice save.

As some of you are aware, I experienced the wait of all waits at Papa Murphy’s recently. Over one hour for a phone order, which left me fuming (partly at my own politeness for not

419 baiting – keeping online scammers running in circles

How many of you have received an email telling you that you’ve one a lottery that you never even entered? Or, that a rich widow wants help distributing millions of dollars to the p

Money Management Lessons: Not Quite 10 Years to Life

I thank my lucky stars (and the patience of my husband) that it didn’t take me quite 10 years to get a handle on my financial situation. At 29, I’m hardly what you would consider