Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5-Day Debt Reduction Plan: Don't Ever Stop

It's Day Five of your debt repayment and you're on a roll, now. Keep up the great work and keep going after you've reached your goal!

Should The AIG Bonuses Be Taken Away Or Not?

The whole country is up in arms about the last round of AIG bonuses, but why should they? Before you pick up your pitchfork and join the angry mob, would you return your bonus even

Money Mistakes Two Popular Board Games Teach Kids

If you think Monopoly and The Game of Life teach players sound money management skills — go directly to jail. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

8 Simple Ways to Make Your Refrigerator More Efficient

Even if you have an EnergyStar refrigerator, these big appliances still eat electricity. Here are some tips for making fridges run more efficiently.

Things You Might Not Know About Your Local Thrift Store

The nation as a whole has been exploring new avenues for savings these days. Thrift stores can be a great place to get what you need and pay what you want. Here are some tips for n

Dirty Little Secrets: Shocking Germ Hotspots You Touch Every Day

There are germs WHERE? Find out where those microscopic baddies hide, and then follow your mother's advice and wash your hands!

How to Select the Best Jeans for Your Money

Scoring jeans for super cheap is great — but it's even better when they're long lasting. Here's how to score the most valuable pair of jeans for your buck.

Best Money Tips: Negotiating the Raise You Deserve

Today we found some stellar articles on negotiating the raise you deserve, manly Christmas gift ideas for under $30, and surviving the holidays with your job intact.

What Was Your Worst Job Ever? Tell us and Win $10!

It’s time for our weekly trivia question: What was your most hated job? Share your sad, tacky, or scary employment experiences and be entered to win a $10 Gift Certificate!

Best Money Tips: Doable Financial New Year's Resolutions

Today we found some fantastic articles on doable financial New Year's resolutions, uses for dead gift cards, and financial figures you need to know.

Credit Card and Debt Settlement? Would you Consider it? (Your Chance to Win $10!)

Do you have a story to tell about debt settlement? Did you go through a company or did you attempt to do it on your own? Were there any negative consequences? Your comment could

5 Easy Ways to Avoid Common Spelling and Grammatical Errors

Spelling and grammar miscues are embarrassing and irksome — and maybe even career threatening. Trap those errors before they trip you up with a few simple tricks.

Spend or Save: The Fashion Edition

Shopping for clothes doesn't have to be painful: not to your wallet, not to you schedule, and (most importantly) not to your poor, aching brain.

50 Ways to Feel Better About Yourself Right Now

We all feel down sometimes. Break out of that rut with these 50 strategies for feeling better fast!

I Won't Eat or Spend While Standing Up

When we make big purchases or large financial commitments -- a car, a home, college tuition -- at some point in that process, we actually have to sit down. Why don't do we do that

Best Money Tips: Sleeping Tips You've Never Heard

Today we found some awesome articles on sleeping tips you've never heard, reasons not to eat fast food, and things to remember when everything goes wrong.

An Introduction to High Yield Reward Checking Accounts

Here is a quick introduction to reward checking accounts and how you can take advantage of these high yielding accounts.

The 10 Coolest Things That Come in a Can

Canned corn, ho-hum. But canned Unicorn? Yep, there's that and lots more hiding in the humble can these days.

These Are the 8 Most Common Homebuying Mistakes Foreclosure Experts See

A HUD-approved foreclosure prevention counselor shares what she's learned helping homeowners through the housing crisis — and how you can avoid the same fate.

How to Make Your Commute Profitable

Every day, I use public transpiration to commute to my day job. The arrangement saves money, reduces my carbon footprint and actually helps me to earn extra money. Here’s how, I g