Auto insurance is one of those pesky, nagging things, almost like a tiny leech. It sucks money away and we're not even always aware of it, at least until we have to write another c
This great nighttime routine will help you sleep, help you prepare for tomorrow, and help you be a better you. Try it tonight to have an amazing tomorrow!
Welcome to the November 4, 2009 Cavalcade of Risk — the How Much Assurance Does Your Insurance Offer edition! There were a large number of insurance related topics. Does that mean
Today we found some great articles on increasing productivity when working from home, lessons learned from Depression-era parents, and what to do with a busted smartphone.
Generation Y is generally defined as the group of people born between 1977 and 1995. In the book, Y-Size Your Business: How Gen Y Employees Can Save You Money and Grow Your Busines
Want to get a free $10 on Last week I ordered some electronics on Amazon. There was a "special offer" for a free Wired magazine subscription. It turns out I could opt o
Unemployment is at an all time high. Oddly enough so are online job listings. That doesn't mean every online job posting is a winner. Here are five red flags in job postings that s
Did you know that travel websites might be charging you more just because of the computer you're using? Learn how to avoid that and three other sneaky tricks.
These gluten-free desserts are easy to make, delicious and cheaper than splurging on packaged dessert products in the store. Get re-acquainted with your sweet tooth, the gluten-fre
Let me jump to the end and say right at the start that I don't think so. However, there's a serious argument being made right now among economists and economic policy makers that h
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
4 Tips to Save on Car Insurance
Auto insurance is one of those pesky, nagging things, almost like a tiny leech. It sucks money away and we're not even always aware of it, at least until we have to write another c
Six Tips to Saving on Tax Preparation Fees
Paying taxes is bad enough. Could you be saving money on the preparation fees, too? I asked my C.P.A. to give a few tips.
Flashback Friday: 54 Frugal Hobbies You Should Try Immediately
A new hobby doesn't need to drain your bank account. Have fun learning a new skill for next to zero dollars!
The 6 Most Important Health Appointments You Must Stop Avoiding
It's easy to delay or even skip visits to the doctor or dentist. Here's why you need to make — and keep — your important annual visits.
Change Your Life by Changing Your Bedtime Routine
This great nighttime routine will help you sleep, help you prepare for tomorrow, and help you be a better you. Try it tonight to have an amazing tomorrow!
Cavalcade of Risk - November 4, 2009 - How Much Assurance Does Your Insurance Offer?
Welcome to the November 4, 2009 Cavalcade of Risk — the How Much Assurance Does Your Insurance Offer edition! There were a large number of insurance related topics. Does that mean
12 Everyday Money Tasks You've Been Doing Wrong
Minimum payments, retail therapy, yikes! Don't let these bad money blunders burn through your cash.
How to Buy Personal Carbon Credits That Count
Even in this tough economy, there's a booming market in personal carbon credits. Learn how, and where, to buy them.
Best Money Tips: Tips to Increase Productivity
Today we found some great articles on increasing productivity when working from home, lessons learned from Depression-era parents, and what to do with a busted smartphone.
Book Review: How Gen Y Employees Can Save You Money and Grow Your Business
Generation Y is generally defined as the group of people born between 1977 and 1995. In the book, Y-Size Your Business: How Gen Y Employees Can Save You Money and Grow Your Busines
5 Ways to Get Someone to Say "Yes"
A lot of what we do in life comes down to persuading people to say "yes." Here's to how get to that yes faster and more often.
Free $10 on Amazon (or Why to Read Fine Print)
Want to get a free $10 on Last week I ordered some electronics on Amazon. There was a "special offer" for a free Wired magazine subscription. It turns out I could opt o
Hold That resume! 5 Red Flags in Online Job Listings
Unemployment is at an all time high. Oddly enough so are online job listings. That doesn't mean every online job posting is a winner. Here are five red flags in job postings that s
Dementia Sucks: Keep Your Brain Strong With These 10 Things
Your brain isn't really a muscle, but you still can improve its function and fitness with the right mix of nutrition and conditioning. Learn how.
5 "When You're Rich" Dream Buys That Aren't That Great
So, you achieved the American dream, and came into serious money. But before you go spending all that green, a word of warning…
4 Secrets to Getting the Lowest Rate From Travel Websites
Did you know that travel websites might be charging you more just because of the computer you're using? Learn how to avoid that and three other sneaky tricks.
Ruthless Frugality
Put some thought into where really cheap stuff comes from.
Best Money Tips: Ways to Find Happiness in What You Already Have
Today we found some awesome articles on finding happiness in what you already have, eco-friendly wedding DIYs, and times it's OK to be cheap.
Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Gluten-Free Desserts
These gluten-free desserts are easy to make, delicious and cheaper than splurging on packaged dessert products in the store. Get re-acquainted with your sweet tooth, the gluten-fre
Can a Little Inflation Be Good?
Let me jump to the end and say right at the start that I don't think so. However, there's a serious argument being made right now among economists and economic policy makers that h