Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

FREE bowling balls - just pay shipping

A quick deal for you everyone. I'm not sure how bad or good your bowling is, but mine is rotten. I don't blame the balls, I blame myself for not doing it often enough. Oh,

5 Surprising Ways the Rich Get Richer

The rich get richer. You could get jealous, or you could get inspired to find out how wealthy stay that way, and copy them?

10 Smart Things to Do With Leftover Easter Goodies

The Easter Bunny brings a wealth of knick-knacks and treats. Stuck wondering what to do with those goodies post-Sunday? Repurpose them!

Food Safety Reminder: Rinsing the Bird Is Bad for Your Health

Do you rinse your poultry and other meats before cooking? Well stop!

How To Write A Resume: 12 Steps To Your Next Job

Self-promotion is not easy. Whether you're a high six-figure consultant, or earning $10 an hour in retail, you still have to talk about yourself in the right way. And one of the ke

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Homemade Gluten-Free Noodles

You don't have to give up noodles when you're gluten-free. This simple and delicious homemade gluten-free noodle recipe will have all your gluten-grubbing friends asking for second

10 Surprising, Non-Physical Benefits of Exercise

You know exercise is good for physical fitness, but it's good for so much else. Get moving and start reaping the benefits!

Want to Be More Attractive? Work These 5 Magic Words (and Phrases) Into Your Vocabulary

It sounds silly, but some words and phrases really can make you feel more confident — and more attractive.

Ask the Readers: Where Do You Go for Financial Advice?

Tell us where you go for financial advice and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Think Like an Olympian to Master Your Money

Olympians train hard, work harder, and never give up. Apply these same core principles to your finances — and go for the gold!

The 5 Best Generators

With the help of an electric generator, you can keep your home going even when the power goes out. Find out which of these top-rated generators will work best for you.

Flashback Friday: 38 Ways to Get More Sleep Tonight

A good night's sleep can improve every aspect of your life. Not convinced? Here's why you should hit the hay early tonight.

10 Things You Should NOT Do to Your Yard This Fall

With the holidays approaching the last thing on your mind is next year's lawn. Prep your yard now to save time and money on landscaping next spring.

The 5 Best Eye Masks

When you need to catch some z's but lights are keeping you up, pop on an eye mask and shut out the world.

14 Dorm Essentials That Make Student Life Easier

Make on-campus living tolerable with these dorm must-haves. Best of all? You won't need another student loan to pay for them.

18 Beauty Tips and Hacks for Summer

Summertime sun and fun can wreak havoc on your face, hair, and skin. Tune-up your beauty routine for the climate.

The weird logic of economic growth

Ever notice that we have names for a period when the economy isn't growing (recession or depression), but there's no name for when it is growing?  If they call it anything,

7 Ways That Anyone Can Travel for Free

Satisfying your wanderlust doesn't have to drain your savings. In fact, if you're clever, you can travel for free.

Post Divorce Finances: 7 Steps to Rebuilding Your Financial House

Severing a conjoined life and combined finances as a result of divorce is painful through and through. The jump to a single income lifestyle paves the way to feeling the cash crunc

14 Useful Items Hotels Usually Provide for Free

If you forgot an essential travel item, don't stress! The hotel probably has it — for free.