Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

4 Effortless Ways to Save on Back-to-School Shopping

Already stressed about back-to-school shopping? Don't be. You can save money without even trying.

6 Reasons Why Used Is Better

Buying used isn't just about finding antiques or quirky vintage clothes. From cost to quality, discover why buying used is often smarter than buying new.

6 Old School Beauty Products We Want Back

It wasn't so long ago that beer promised bouncy curls, and emotion was a scent you could wear. What do you wish they still made?

18 Beauty Tips and Hacks for Summer

Summertime sun and fun can wreak havoc on your face, hair, and skin. Tune-up your beauty routine for the climate.

The weird logic of economic growth

Ever notice that we have names for a period when the economy isn't growing (recession or depression), but there's no name for when it is growing?  If they call it anything,

7 Ways That Anyone Can Travel for Free

Satisfying your wanderlust doesn't have to drain your savings. In fact, if you're clever, you can travel for free.

Post Divorce Finances: 7 Steps to Rebuilding Your Financial House

Severing a conjoined life and combined finances as a result of divorce is painful through and through. The jump to a single income lifestyle paves the way to feeling the cash crunc

14 Useful Items Hotels Usually Provide for Free

If you forgot an essential travel item, don't stress! The hotel probably has it — for free.

18 Things People With Good Social Skills Never Do

Good etiquette is one thing, but if you can add these elements to your polite routine, you'll be the friendlier, more likeable, more memorable you.

Top 5 ETF Tips

ETFs are part stock, part mutual fund — so that means you need to treat them a little differently than if you owned just one of the two. Here are five tips to help you nav

Flashback Friday: 74 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

Stressful days are a given, but there are ways to prevent stress from taking over your life.

Make 5 cheap ‘greeting cards’ that blow Hallmark away.

Before I share with you my 5 great ways to make outstanding greeting cards, I'd like to rant about the four issues I have with store-bought greeting cards, like those produced by H

7 Reasons To Take The Bus

Low cost airlines are finally taking hold in the United States, offering a greater range of route options and discounts. At the same time, concerns over security, environmental imp

10 Fun Money Apps for Kids

"Financial literacy" may sound like a fancy adult term, but you can get your kids in on it, too, with these fun apps!

5 Ways to Make Retail Therapy Good for You

We usually caution against retail therapy — it's so wasteful! — but if you're gonna, at least try to reduce some of the harm.

6 Money Lessons We Could All Learn From Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

You can't switch on the TV or click open a web browser without running into The Rock. Find out how much that visibility is worth -- and what you can learn from it.

How to Make the Most of Your 401K

Most of us have a 401k account with our employer. But there are people who've decided not to participate in their employer's retirement program for a variety of reasons. But imagi

How to Save Without Goals

Basic plans for saving and investing that don't require use of a formal financial plan with specific goals.

How to Spot a Charity Scam From a Mile Away

Don't let your charitable donation go toward funding a crooked cause.

Organized People Have These 5 Things in Their Homes — Do You?

One thing organized people don't have in their homes is a lot of clutter (or they hide it really, really well). Find out where.