Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Some of the Best Personal Finance Videos I've Found

While I can't post the actual videos because of copywrite issues, CNNs free money videos are positively inspiring. That is, they inspire to to understand more about money, how to save it, and how not to lose it. [more]

Best Money Tips: 9 Money-Saving Food Hacks

Today we found some great articles on food hacks that can save you money, healthy habits that make you feel amazing, and tips to nail any interview.

7 Times It's Okay to Raid Your 529 Plan

While you shouldn't tap a 529 plan willy-nilly, sometimes it's okay to dip into school savings, especially if you have better options.

Stockpiling Is Rarely the Answer

Stockpiling for an emergency might seem like a good (and frugal) idea. But in reality, your time and money is probably better spent.

12 Clever Coat Closet Hacks

A tidy coat coat closet makes guests welcome and your everyday easy and clutter-free. Tighten up your entryway with some simple organization tricks.

What to Buy, and Avoid Buying, in January

Believe it or not, January is a great time to find deals on winter wear. Read on to learn what else is on sale (and what isn't) as another new year begins.

You can be as happy as a Dane

Studies regularly find that Danish people are the happiest people in the world. At first glance, it looks like the conditions that make them that way aren't really available t

Discount Luxury: Save 50% or More on 5 Fabulous Substitutions

Living on a budget doesn't mean living like a monk. Check out these creative and affordable alternatives to some of life's luxuries.

Are $1 homes worth buying?

This week a story from The Detroit News reported that homes are being listed in Detroit for $1. One particular $1 home sold for cash after being on the market for 19 days. The buye

The Power of Mentorship

We all use mentors regularly without thinking about it. But if we take charge of our lives and consciously choose mentors, we can charge ahead of the game in leaps and bounds.

5 Money Saving Travel Gadgets

From clean water to dependable Wi-Fi, these money-saving travel gadgets have your next big trip covered.

Get In Gear For The New Year: 5 Tips For Making Resolutions

The New Year is infamous when it comes to resolutions — not because most people manage to turn over a new leaf but because we declare big goals, work towards them for a few months

How to check if a flight is delayed

Once in a while friends and relatives would visit my family from other countries, and we usually go to the airport to pick them up. The problem is that sometimes flights are delay

The end of a recession versus recovery

There's an organization that picks the "official" dates for the beginning and ending of recessions. It considers the recession as running from the top of the peak to the bottom of

Time Is Money: Budget Them Both Out

We hear it all the time: Time is Money. But do we really treat our time with the same respect we treat our money? If we really do believe that time is valuable shouldn't we be budg

Best Money Tips: What You Should Know About a Company Before You Join

Today we found some fantastic articles on what you should know about a company before you join, 2013 gift guides, and lowering your food budget without coupons.

Do You Barter? -- Tell Us and Enter to win $10!

Do you consider yourself to be a wizard at bartering? Are you considering opting out of the money economy for even more of your day-to-day business? If you have a tip, opinion, o

What's the Right Way to Save?

We all have our own ways of handling our finances -- and that's why it's called "personal" finance. What works for one person may not necessarily work for someone else, and this is

The 5 Best Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Being swamped at work is not a badge of honor — it's a sign of inefficiency. Get more done with these smart tips.

10 Surprisingly Dangerous Things You Have in Your Home

Your home is your haven, the place you and your family seek refuge from the outside world. Make it safer by eliminating these hidden household dangers.