Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Seller Funded Down Payment Assistance Charities - Scammers or Saints?

The United States House of Representatives just passed a massive mortgage bailout bill that includes many changes to the Federal Housing Administration and the Government Sponsored

How to Choose the Best Tax Preparer

April 15 is almost here! Can you trust your tax preparer?

8 Ways to Turn Your Stress Into Money

These days, who isn't stressed out. Channel that energy into more money and it might just be able to relax a little.

You're Washing Your Clothes Too Often! (What to Do Instead)

You can cut your bills and your eco-footprint by running the washer less often. And with a few simple tricks, your clothes can be just as clean.

15 Grab-and-Go Post-Workout Breakfasts

No time for breakfast … again? Start the day the right way with a quick, nutritious, on-the-go meal that everybody has time for — even you.

How to Return Items Through Your Credit Card If the Store Refuses

Credit card policies can get you a refund when the store refuses. Just be sure to read the fine print.

Best Money Tips: 5 Alternatives to Bitcoin

Today we found articles on alternatives to Bitcoin you should know about, how to get the best deal on a mortgage, and storage ideas for bathrooms.

Eat These 6 Foods to Stay Healthy While Traveling

Worried about weight gain or indigestion on the road? Bring healthy foods with you and you'll be able to fully enjoy your travels.

Kick-Ass Alternatives to Canned Cranberry Sauce

Canned cranberry sauce is lame. Here are six ways to shine up that holiday staple, from chutney to booze-spiked berries to tart-cherry sauce.

Technology Hacks for the International Traveler

Getting ready to travel abroad? Take your tech with you!

The 5 Best Voice Recorders

When you're in a pinch and have to record something, you need a dependable device. Use any of these voice recorders and you'll get the audio recording you need.

The 7 Laws of Negotiation

Over the past couple of decades, I’ve distilled successful negotiating down to seven key principles.

Can You Buy Your Way Out of the Rat Race?

If you're tracking your spending, you know how much money it takes to live on. If you're tracking your investments, you know about how much return you're getting from your capital.

How Low Can You Go? Taking the No Heat Challenge

Most of us aren't ready to give up home heating altogether, but here are a few tricks we can learn from the hardcore heat resisters.

How to Budget When You're No Longer Broke

You went from barely making ends meet to being flush with cash. Don't abandon your broke budget!

How Job-Hoppers Can Keep Up With Their Retirement Savings

Job hopping is now the norm in the working world. Make sure to take your retirement savings along for the ride.

5 Unexpected Side Benefits of Your Side Hustle

Making extra money on the side isn't only about the extra money — find out about the other perks that come with a side job.

How Much Would It Cost to Actually Live Like a Queen for a Day?

You'd need awfully deep pockets to lead a lifestyle fit for a queen.

5 Signs That Your Credit Card Spending Is Out of Control

Credit cards can dominate your life (and ruin your budget) if you're not careful. Use these 5 warning signs to make sure you stay on top of your spending habits.

College Move-Out Days: The Best Time to Dumpster Dive?

Every year, thousands of college students throw out everything from working TVs to unopened cans of food. Find out how to make their trash your treasure.