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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Quality Over Price: 15 Items to Spend More On

Want to make sure you're getting the best value for your dollars? When it comes to these 15 items, it makes sense to spend more.

7 Credit Card Reward Tips Many People Don't Follow

Using a rewards credit card can net you lots of free stuff — if you're smart about it. Get the most value by following these suggestions.

Why People Go Crazy on Black Friday

From buying unplanned items to straight-up attacking other customers, people can go a little wild on Black Friday. Discover the reasons why.

Thursday Night Soup: Delicious Soup From Leftovers

If you want to stretch your pantry and your budget while reducing food waste in your kitchen, discover the delicious experiment that is Thursday Night Soup.

The 5 Best Pressure Cookers

Don't be intimidated by pressure cookers — these easy-to-use kitchen tools can dramatically reduce cooking time.

Don't Let These 6 Home Décor Flaws Ruin Your House Hunt

Kitschy cabinets, disco fever carpeting...never fear! These house-hunting turn-offs are actually easy fixes.

This Is Why Your Projects Always Take Longer Than You Expect

Do your projects always seem to take longer than planned? You're not alone. Here's why scheduling is hard — and how you can improve.

25 Ways to Say Thanks

A sincere "thank you" can mean a lot — here are 25 wholehearted, creative, and frugal ways to make it happen.

6 Meditation Alternatives for People With Busy Minds

Can't sit and meditate without your mind going in a thousand different directions? No problem. There are still ways to meditate when your brain is always busy.

3 Financial Penalties Every Retiree Should Avoid

By the time you reach retirement, you should know how to manage your money. Don't get hit with these financial fines!

2-Minute Read: What You Need to Know About Cash Advances

Before you request a cash advance through your credit card, scan this quick read so you understand what's involved.

Get — and Keep — Amazing Posture by Doing These 10 Stretches Today

Stop slouching! Look thinner and feel better with these posture perfecting stretches anyone can do.

10 Smart Things to Do During Your Commute (Even If You Drive!)

Why fill your public transit commute (or drive) with mindless chatter when you can use that time to smarten up, instead?

The 8 Life Skills You Must Learn in Your 40s

You're never too old to stop learning! By the time you hit the big 4-0, consider mastering these eight essential life skills.

5 Effective Sleep Tips You Haven't Tried Yet

Tried every sleep aid out there? Here are 5 little known tips that work wonders for me.

4 Ways Couples Are Shortchanging Their Retirement Savings

You and your spouse are in it together for all things, including retirement savings. Make sure you're saving enough for both of you.

Curing Warts, Removing Splinters, and 19 Other Bizarre Uses for Banana Peels

From greening your garden to moistening meat, banana peels have plenty of surprising uses. Plus, discover 7 bonus uses for bananas themselves.

6 Reasons January Is the Right Time to Start Planning for Christmas

Plan for the holidays already? With the holidays still fresh in mind, now is the best time to start holiday planning and prep. Here's how to start.

11 Incredible UNESCO World Heritage Sites Right Here in the U.S.

Don’t miss these incredible UNESCO World Heritage sites right here on our doorstep.

Why I Love Gift Cards: 5 Reasons Gift Cards Make Perfect Holiday Gifts

Gift cards get a bad rap, but it's mostly unwarranted. Learn why gift cards might be one of the best presents you can give.