Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Ways New College Grads Can Build Credit

Entering the real world involves making big financial choices, and those choices will be easier once you start building credit.

How to Take the World's Most Efficient Shower

When your hot water's lacking but your body odor isn't, clean off fast with this quick, water saving shower technique.

How to Pull Your Small Business Out of a Cash Crunch

End the anxiety that comes with running a business on poor cash flow by using these strategies.

Here's Why Credit Scores and Reports Are Not the Same

Do you know the difference between a credit score and a credit history? You need to — here's how to break it down.

Dumbest packaging ever?

I tend to believe that American consumers are savvier than advertisers and marketers give us credit for. That's why I don't understand why marketers waste so much time trying to se

How to Set Up Automatic Payments

Sick of sitting down to pay the bills? Don't! Set up automatic payments, and let your bank (or the company you're paying!) do the work for you.

5 Ways to Make the Holidays More Affordable — Without Taking Out a Holiday Loan

Before you apply for a personal loan to cover your holiday spending, consider these alternatives.

How to Turn Your Backyard Into a Moneymaker

A big backyard costs money. Did you know it can also make you money?

Organize 8 Key Areas of Your Life With These 17 Smart Apps

Stop looking at Facebook and use your phone to become more productive. Yes, that's right — time to get some work done!

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Thanksgiving Tradition?

Tell us about your favorite Thanksgiving tradition and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

9 Costly Mistakes DIY Investors Make

Anyone can handle their own investments with the proper research. Anyone can also make these common DIY investor mistakes.

10 Great Side Jobs for Introverts

If you're looking for extra money with almost zero interaction with other people, you don't have to look far — and you won't have to fake a smile, either.

8 Reasons Time Is Worth More Than Money

We've all heard people say "time is money." But believe it or not, time is worth so much more.

Ask the Readers: What's Your Best Experience With Customer Service?

Tell us about your best experience with customer service and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Buy a drink, get a free Whopper - every single day?

Did your mom always nag you to keep your receipts? [more]

6 Steps to Eliminating Your Debt Painlessly

Eliminating Debt Painlessly. Rarely do you see these words fit together in a neat little sentence. The very act of putting your hard earned money towards the stack of debts you've

What Is a Good Credit Score and Why Is It Important?

Credit scores can be confusing. Make sure you understand how they work and how to get a good credit rating.

5 Painless Ways to Lower Your Cell Phone Bill

Dial in to these smart bill-lowering tactics, and watch your cell phone bill get a whole lot smaller.

How Long Does It Take to Break Even With Solar Panels?

If you're worried about the cost of installing solar panels, know that'll you'll break even … and maybe sooner than you think.

9 Ways to Improve Your Life This Weekend

Being a weekend warrior can be a heck of a lot more than a landscaping project. Try one of these activities for a long-term ROI that will make your life better.