Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

50 Amazing, Easy DIY Bath and Body Products

Homemade gifts are always appreciated, but your recipient may not always want your famous pecan-sugar bars. Mix it up with these DIY beauty gifts.

Should You Treat Your Social Security Benefits Like a Bond?

A lot of things can impact your retirement investment strategy. Should your future Social Security benefits be one of them?

How to Prepare When Your Unemployment Is Ending

Unemployment benefits can be a lifeline, but you need to prepare for when that lifeline ends.

10 Small Gestures That Go a Long Way at Work

It doesn't take much to be a considerate coworker. Work some of these good deeds into your 9-to-5 and brighten everyone's day — especially yours.

America Is the No Vacation Nation

Studies show that Americans are not using all their vacation time and are not given as much vacation time as other developed countries to begin with.

10 Things to Know Before You Start a Home Improvement Project

Don't take a hammer to that wall you want to tear down until you consider these things first.

Best Money Tips: 5 Ways to Get in "The Zone"

Today we found articles on ways to get in the zone, how to maximize Social Security benefits, and housekeeping tips for the domestically challenged.

4 Affordable Destinations That Are Safer Than You Think

These four international destinations have dark reputations, but these days they're relatively safe, and absolutely affordable.

8 Quotes to Inspire Your Dream Career

If your current pays-the-bills job isn't your dream career, this collection of wisdom just might give you the push you need to find more joyful work.

8 Questions to Ask on a College Tour

Picking the right college is as simple as knowing the right questions to ask.

5 Characteristics of the World's Youngest Billionaires

There are 2200 billionaires in the world, and just 63 are under the age of 40. Here's what they have in common.

Don't Buy a House With a Pool Until You Can Answer These 7 Questions

You might be dreaming of taking a dip, but owning a home with a pool raises plenty of pricey questions.

This One Ratio Is the Key to a Good Credit Score

Understanding this key credit scoring ratio may be the secret to unlocking a higher credit score. The math is simple, and so is the strategy.

Encounter With a Freegan

Would a good mother feed her children out of the Dumpster? My first encounter with a real live freegan leaves me wondering. Is helping save the earth and some money worth even t

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Becoming a Caregiver

Caregiving is a wonderful, heartfelt gesture that comes with emotional and financial stress. Make sure you're prepared for all of the challenges it can bring.

6 Items You Need to Be Prepared to Replace

Looking to upgrade your appliances and furniture? Here's when to do it.

13 Simple Gardening Skills Anybody Can Master

Having a green thumb is not only a great skill to have — it can also save you big bucks!

How the End of Net Neutrality Could Impact Your Wallet

The FCC changed course on net neutrality. How might the change impact your wallet?

No Money for a Week? Here’s What to Do.

Don't have a nickle to your name? Time to buckle down for a week and weather the storm. Here's how to survive it — and make sure it doesn't happen again.

How I Make $800 on Month on eBay Selling Used Clothes

Looking for a fun side gig? You could make up to $800 a month selling your unwanted clothes on eBay.