Credit counselors can help solve credit and debt management issues, but be sure to ask plenty of questions before you hire one. Some are more expensive than others.
From reconnecting with friends to watching videos and more, surfing the Internet can be awesome...and expensive. Discover ways to browse the web for less.
Interest, dividends, and investment earnings aren't the only ways to make money by saving. Get paid to save with these rewards, tax credits, prizes, and more.
As a rule, we don’t buy souvenirs for their usefulness. A t-shirt from the Hard Rock Café or a shell sculpture from Hawaii isn’t going to increase your productivity — in fact, dust
Do you need a kick in the pants to get you saving for retirement? Do you need someone to wave their arms and run around screaming that your whole future is at risk, in order to mo
There are a lot of ways to become rich. Some people work hard and save their money. Some people win the lottery. Some people invent something wonderfully useful. An awful lot o
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
19 Free (or Cheap) Ways to Make Winter Hibernation Fun
Being stuck inside during the cold winter months shouldn't cost you an arm and a leg. There are plenty of ways to have fun indoors for free.
The Secret to Larger Breasts
Thanks for the mammaries! [more]
6 Great Alternatives to Remodeling Your Home
Thinking about spending thousands of dollars on a remodel? Try these effective alternatives for a fraction of the cost.
Best Money Tips: How to Host a Yard Sale
Today we found some awesome articles on hosting a yard sale, shopping smarter for crafts, and frugal health and beauty tips.
8 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Credit Counselor
Credit counselors can help solve credit and debt management issues, but be sure to ask plenty of questions before you hire one. Some are more expensive than others.
How to Get Free or Cheap Internet Access
From reconnecting with friends to watching videos and more, surfing the Internet can be awesome...and expensive. Discover ways to browse the web for less.
Best Money Tips: Smart Ways to Stay on Schedule
Today we found smart ways to stay on schedule, ways to stretch your employee benefits dollars, and surprising things you can do with tea bags.
Creating a Financial Plan: Highlights from Our Chat with Money Smart Week
Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Money Smart Week on creating a financial plan!
6 Ways to Get Paid for Saving Money
Interest, dividends, and investment earnings aren't the only ways to make money by saving. Get paid to save with these rewards, tax credits, prizes, and more.
Best Money Tips: Secrets to Saving Money at
Today we found some awesome articles on saving money at, the best items to buy now, and how to get the best hotel deals.
Ask the Readers: Should Personal Finance be Taught in Schools?
Tell us whether or not you think personal finance should be taught in schools for a chance to win 1 of 3 $20 Amazon gift certificates!
5 Ways to Make Extra Income Online Today
These five quirky websites can help you generate some extra income with skills and stuff you already have.
The Best (Inexpensive) Souvenirs
As a rule, we don’t buy souvenirs for their usefulness. A t-shirt from the Hard Rock Café or a shell sculpture from Hawaii isn’t going to increase your productivity — in fact, dust
Book review: Cash-Rich Retirement
Do you need a kick in the pants to get you saving for retirement? Do you need someone to wave their arms and run around screaming that your whole future is at risk, in order to mo
Automatic Savings: Highlights from Our Chat With America Saves
Don't miss the highlights from our chat with America Saves in honor of America Saves week on automatic savings!
How to get rich by being evil
There are a lot of ways to become rich. Some people work hard and save their money. Some people win the lottery. Some people invent something wonderfully useful. An awful lot o
8 Tax Tricks to Try if You're Stuck With Student Loans
The burden of student loan debt is heavy enough. Get as many tax breaks as you can to lighten your load.
6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Morning Commute
If you're lucky enough to have reliable public transportation, you're lucky enough to have a few extra moments of you-time. Make the most of it!
9 Money Saving Reasons to Buy a Food Dehydrator
Food dehydrators can save you money and time, and are very affordable these days. Here are nine ways a dehydrator can help you stretch your budget
5 Careers That Offer Student Loan Forgiveness
Before you start getting bummed about your student loan debt, explore these careers that offer student loan forgiveness.