Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Reasons Being a Millionaire Is Overrated

Being a millionaire sounds pretty great. Is it really?

The Best Credit Cards with Sign-up Bonuses for Hotel Stays

These hotel credit cards offer easy redemption for free stays and other nice perks.

7 Places to Get Vaccinated for Cheap or Free

Flu season is right around the corner. Be proactive about your health care with affordable vaccines for the flu and other preventable diseases.

20+ Ways to Use Sriracha (AKA Awesome Sauce)

Investing in one bottle of Sriracha chili sauce means no boring meals for a year! (Or almost month if you enjoy Sriracha as much as this writer does.)

15 Great DIY Gifts for Geeks

Whether your geek is into comics, Star Wars, Lego, or steampunk, you can make a cool, thoughtful gift they'll love once for being DIY and twice for being nerdcore.

How to recognize and answer illegal interview questions

In the United States job seekers are protected by a myriad of anti-discrimination laws. Despite these laws many potential employers still want employees that fit a narrow profile

How to Get Cash While Traveling Abroad

You're going to need cash when you travel abroad, but you don't need to pay all those fees and surcharges. Here's how.

12 Cool Ways to Make Treasure Out of Trash

One man's trash... you know the saying. Make your own treasures with the things you'd typically kick to the curb.

These 10 Money Podcasts Will Help You Save Tons

Make chore time personal finance time. Pop on a solid money podcast and start making sense of your dollars and cents.

16 Ways to Use Up Leftover Champagne

Don't pour last night's leftover champagne down the drain! Save it to use as a key ingredient in cocktails, desserts, soups, hair care, and more.

12 Times You're Better Off Without a Promotion

You're working hard — and smart — and the boss has noticed. Do you take the promotion? Or do you keep the job you're happy with?

Tax Deductions to Start Thinking About Now

Tax deductions can save you a lot, but who wants to worry about them during the holidays? Here's what to do now to prepare for the end of the year.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Holiday Travel?

Tell us how you save on holiday travel and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Hotel and Car Rental Tips for Business Travelers

It pays to be judicious about how you spend your money on business trips. Here are some hotel and car rental tips that will keep your team happy.

21 Unexpected Items You Should Always Pack in Your Carry-On

Experienced travelers know what to bring and what to leave behind — or do they? These little extras make getting there almost enjoyable.

6 Fun, Affordable Travel Ideas for Singles

Traveling alone is the best way to get the trip you want, and these travel ideas will also fit anyone's budget.

The 5 Best Portable Air Conditioners

Keeping you cooled off on sweltering hot days isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these portable air conditioners and you'll always stay cool.

10 Things to Do With Leftover Halloween Candy

Leftover Halloween candy can be a treat or an annoyance. If your kids came home with a huge stash, or you have many leftovers from your own home, the tummy aches can put a kibosh o

15 Personal Finance Calculators Everyone Should Use

Personal finance is best handled with numbers — accurate numbers. These great online calculators have you covered, no math skills required.

Reach Your Money Goals Faster With a Simple Naming Trick

Mortgage repayment, emergency funds… these things may not be "fun," but a cheeky approach to banking can make them a whole lot less stressful.