Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Wanna Put Away Some Cash? Take A Vacation!

A cruise to the Bahamas or a trip to that luxury spa aren’t going to get you ahead financially. However, if you’re looking to sock away a coupl

8 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Credit Counselor

Credit counselors can help solve credit and debt management issues, but be sure to ask plenty of questions before you hire one. Some are more expensive than others.

8 Ways Clutter Keeps You Poor

Clutter looks bad, stresses you out — and it costs you money. It's time to start moving your stuff from lots to profit.

The 5 Best Coffeemakers

One of the best ways to save money is to eliminate little expenses — like coffee from the coffee shop. Make it easy with one of these great machines.

6 Ways to Resist a Splurge

A sure way to bust a budget is to cave in to every wish and whim. Get control of your urge to splurge and regain control of your money.

Musings inspired by the crappiest of films — Demolition Man.

I saw that film about 15 years ago, and I remember liking it at the time. I also liked stone-washed jeans and neon t-shirts, but I have since come to my senses. However, one nugget

10 Important Reasons You Need to Cut Back on Screen Time

We love our smartphones and tablets, but that glow comes with some costs. Is it time to cut back for better health and happiness?

Negotiating 101: The 5 Buyers You Meet In Hell

These are the 5 worst types of negotiators and why their tactics don't work.

Here's What to Do If You Get Audited

You're being audited. Don't panic — these steps will help you navigate the process.

6 Options if You're Underwater on Your Mortgage

Here are six options for people who are underwater on their mortgages.

Everything You Need to Know About Buying Travel Insurance

Travel insurance can be so much more than just peace of mind. Consider the following when finding the coverage that's right for you.

To Buy or Not to Buy? Criteria for Thrift-Store Clothes Shopping

Do you enjoy thrift-store shopping? Here are tips for what to buy, and what NOT to.

The 5 Worst Pieces of Financial Advice Your Friends Give You

Have you been listening to any of this advice from your friends? If you have, you need to stop right now.

Passport Pictures for Under a Dollar

Use this technique to produce passport pictures, visa pictures, and any other required id photos, all for under a dollar.

10 Unhealthiest Restaurants

Eat This, Not That! analyzed and graded 66 different chain restaurants, and came up with a list of America's Unhealthiest Restaurants. It goes to show how easy it is to underestima

The 5 Best Face Washes

You can have gorgeous and clear skin simply by using the right cleanser. Try one of these five best face washes and find out for yourself!

Ask the Readers: What Is on Your Summer Bucket List?

Tell us about your summer bucket list and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Ways to Save Big on Appliances

New home appliances are never cheap, but with the right strategy, you can save big when it comes time to buy one.

How to Learn From Your Mistakes

To move forward in life, you must learn from your mistakes. Find out how to cut through ego, stop simply persevering, and start getting things right.

10 Things You Should Always Order on Amazon

For these frequent household buys, Amazon's low prices and convenience really shine. Are you still buying these everyday goods at the store?