Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Things Financially Savvy People Don't Do

People who are smart with their money don't make these common personal finance mistakes. Do you?

Best Buy scamming customers with Intranet - UPDATED!

George Gombossy, consumer watchdog for The Courant , broke this story on March 2nd of this month. It's a great story, and I apologise to George for not stating him as the source in my original post, my bad entirely. [more]

Ask the Readers: What Aspect of Personal Finance Do You Want to Learn More About?

Tell us what aspects of personal finance you'd like to learn more about and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

100 Easy Ways to Brighten Someone's Day

It's easy to brighten someone's day. Try some of these 100 ways and maybe your day will be brightened, too.

Should You Avoid Rewards Cards With Annual Fees?

The common wisdom is that credit cards with annual fees are never worth it, but the truth is that you could be missing out on valuable rewards.

Capital One: What’s In Your Envelope?

Just when I thought credit card companies couldn’t get any more wasteful, I received the mother of all credit card offers in the mail. Excited by what I thought was something wort

10 Frugal Ways to Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

This winter, stay warm and toasty on the cheap with these fast, frugal, and easy ways to winterize your home.

eBay Account Hackers - don't be fooled

I'm not the type to fall for scams, generally. Thus far, I've never been really screwed over on eBay or anything. But I can totally see how people COULD fall for an eBay scammer. [more]

Should You Pay Your Mortgage Off Early?

Owning your home outright is a huge achievement. Weigh these options first, though, before tackling your mortgage early.

How One Nice Thing Can Ruin Your Whole Budget

This is precisely why we can't have nice things.

Weird Job Interview Questions (and How to Answer Them)

Need to measure a building? Escape from a blender? Give an opinion on garden gnomes? Learn how to answer these and other odd interview questions.

How Paying Attention to Detail Saves Your Finances

One of the easiest ways to keep your finances on the up and up is to simply pay attention.

10 Rules of Etiquette Everyone Should Know (and Follow!)

Etiquette is the grease that keeps the gears of civilization turning. Do your part by following these 10 basic rules of etiquette.

What a New Baby Really Needs

If you don't want to break the bank getting ready for your new baby, check this list for the items that are truly essential — and those that can be ignored.

15 Chicken Leg and Thigh Recipes From Around the World

Tired of trying to make chicken breast interesting? The humble and affordable chicken leg quarter offers the frugal cook lots of flavor, lots of value, and lots of variety.

The 6 Best Makeup Kits You Can DIY for $50 or Less

Be fabulously frugal at any age with these expert-recommended makeup kits. Each one is less than $50!

Make Grocery Budgeting A Game, The Price Is Right Style

Growing up, I stayed with my grandparents during the day on summer breaks from school. Our mid-mornings were usually spent casually watching The Price is Right. Maybe those Showca

Drugstore Freebies: More Than Junk Food and Harsh Chemicals

Some haters think that playing the drugstore instant rebates is actually a waste of time and money. I counter that you can't waste money if you don't spend any money, and as for ti

Free Preview of Refund Cents Website – Extended for Wise Bread Readers ONLY!

Sadly, several of you have let me know that you missed the brief window to try out Refund Cents. We have gotten permission to offer an exclusive new preview to our readers, good u

Sock It to Me: 15 Uses for Old Socks

Don't send your single socks to the big laundry basket in the sky! Instead, repurpose them with these 15 useful ideas.