Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
Even simply attending a wedding these days is expensive. Trim the cost without insulting your hosts with these simple expense-savers.
The things people carry says a lot about who they are. How many of your things are on this list of possessions of the ambitious?
Should we extend the tax cuts for the rich? This may affect you more than you think, even if you aren't making $250,000 yet.
When financial disaster strikes, we're likely to follow a process of loss and grieving. Recognize the stages and come out stronger for it.
Today we found some stellar articles on lowering your car insurance premium, helping friends who are bad with money, and what to buy in August.
Get up offa that couch, switch off the TV, and spend some quality time tonight with your family or your finances or your favorite loyal friend.
Today we found some great articles on Starbucks hacks that will save you money, money mindsets to adopt today, and starting a business you love.
Before handing over the key to an unsuspecting buyer, you need to air your home's dirty laundry — all of it.
This year, keep your holiday decorating and gift-wrapping low-cost and fun.
Today, we share tips to help you get a good night's sleep, make room in your fridge for all the a holiday cooking, avoid the pitfalls of online holiday shopping, and more!
Taxes are a tale almost as old as time. Bet you didn't know these 11 weird tax facts!
Science has figured out why showers make us creative ("a-ha!"), and you can use this insight to create lots more "Eureka!" moments, too.
Big Brother might be watching you, right now, through one — or more! — of your devices.
Want to give back without going broke? Use your everyday finances as a means of funding your values.
From corn to gold, these 10 common goods and commodities had major price changes in 2010 — and may continue to shift in 2011.
We'd all like to be better friends — and we should be. Keep your friends close with some simple relationship builders.
Really— this one little word possesses incredible power to make the world better. You can thank us for it later.
Today we found articles natural ways to whiten your teeth, the best places for new dads to work, and ways to sell clothes for cash.
These money superstitions might sound unbelievable, but there are actually people who believe them!
We all should be sensible with our spending, but sometimes we go too far. Are you guilty of any of these false economies?
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Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
How to Attend a Wedding for Cheap (Without Actually Looking Cheap)
Even simply attending a wedding these days is expensive. Trim the cost without insulting your hosts with these simple expense-savers.
Ambitious People Have These 10 Things in Their Homes — Do You?
The things people carry says a lot about who they are. How many of your things are on this list of possessions of the ambitious?
6 Indirect Ways Taxes to the Rich May Hurt You
Should we extend the tax cuts for the rich? This may affect you more than you think, even if you aren't making $250,000 yet.
The 6 Stages of Dealing With Financial Disaster
When financial disaster strikes, we're likely to follow a process of loss and grieving. Recognize the stages and come out stronger for it.
Best Money Tips: Ways to Lower Your Car Insurance Premium
Today we found some stellar articles on lowering your car insurance premium, helping friends who are bad with money, and what to buy in August.
25 Fun, Frugal Things to Do Tonight Besides Watch TV
Get up offa that couch, switch off the TV, and spend some quality time tonight with your family or your finances or your favorite loyal friend.
Best Money Tips: Starbucks Hacks That Will Save You Money
Today we found some great articles on Starbucks hacks that will save you money, money mindsets to adopt today, and starting a business you love.
8 Problems Home Sellers Must Disclose to Buyers
Before handing over the key to an unsuspecting buyer, you need to air your home's dirty laundry — all of it.
Keeping Santa Sane: Budget Holiday Decorating
This year, keep your holiday decorating and gift-wrapping low-cost and fun.
Best Money Tips: Natural Ways to Sleep Better
Today, we share tips to help you get a good night's sleep, make room in your fridge for all the a holiday cooking, avoid the pitfalls of online holiday shopping, and more!
11 Fun Tax Facts You Probably Never Knew
Taxes are a tale almost as old as time. Bet you didn't know these 11 weird tax facts!
How to Have More Eureka! Shower Moments
Science has figured out why showers make us creative ("a-ha!"), and you can use this insight to create lots more "Eureka!" moments, too.
7 Ways Your Devices Are Spying on You
Big Brother might be watching you, right now, through one — or more! — of your devices.
4 Ways Your Money Can Support Your Values
Want to give back without going broke? Use your everyday finances as a means of funding your values.
Things Don't Cost What They Used To: 10 Major Price Shifts in 2010
From corn to gold, these 10 common goods and commodities had major price changes in 2010 — and may continue to shift in 2011.
6 Ways to Be a Better Friend Without Any Effort
We'd all like to be better friends — and we should be. Keep your friends close with some simple relationship builders.
The One Word You Need to Start Using Today to Have a Better Life
Really— this one little word possesses incredible power to make the world better. You can thank us for it later.
Best Money Tips: Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth
Today we found articles natural ways to whiten your teeth, the best places for new dads to work, and ways to sell clothes for cash.
9 Bizarre Money Superstitions People Actually Believe
These money superstitions might sound unbelievable, but there are actually people who believe them!
7 Things That Make You Look Cheap Without Actually Saving Much Money
We all should be sensible with our spending, but sometimes we go too far. Are you guilty of any of these false economies?