Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Ways to Get the Most From Your Employer’s Automated Retirement Plan

Your employer may be automating your 401(k) plan. Don't let the convenience lull you into complacency with your investments.

6 Fun Games That Teach Your Kids About Money

Teaching your children financial literacy is as easy as playing a game.

In times like these, separate the want from the need.

I remember saying to my dad, a long, long time ago, that I really needed a whole bunch of He-Man action figures for Christmas. Oh, and Battlecat, too. My dad looked at me, a hopefu

How to Turn Unwanted Gift Cards Into Cash

What to do with that stack of gift cards you're never gonna use? Sell them for cash, or trade them for gift cards you really will use. It's easy!

5 Money Lessons From Millionaires

When it comes to managing money, millionaire tactics tend to contain a surprising amount of common sense and frugality.

7 Added Costs That Come With a Bigger House

Bigger isn't always better, but when it comes to houses, it's usually more expensive.

15 Ways to Stop the Hiccups

The next time you have a synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (more commonly known as the hiccups), look to these easy (and sometimes tasty!) solutions.

Pets, Old Cars, and 3 Other Common Money Pits

Beware the money pit. Whether it's a new puppy or a vintage muscle car, you might be jumping into more spending than you can afford.

What Do The Concierge Services From Credit Cards Really Provide?

Does your credit card offer concierge services? Here's a breakdown of what that really means.

The 5 Best Portable Air Conditioners

Keeping you cooled off on sweltering hot days isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these portable air conditioners and you'll always stay cool.

8 Ways You're Wasting Electricity Without Realizing It

Cut your electric bill by getting serious about conservation. Plug these easy to miss power leaks and watch the savings add up.

25 Reasons Why You Should Take a Walk

Walking is simple, accessible, and good for the mind, body, community, and soul. If you're looking for an excuse to go for a walk, try one or two of these.

Save on Groceries with Discount Grocery Stores

Looking to save even more on food? Try finding a bargain grocery store in your area, and get all the food your family needs for less.

6 Ways Workaholism Is Costing You Money

Putting in long hours at work often means a bigger paycheck. But what about when burning the midnight oil ends up costing you money?

How to Get a Lower APR, or Possibly Not

Getting my interest rate lowered by my credit card company was impossible, so I had to go a different route to avoid the interest charges.

Can You Afford to Follow Your Dreams? Can You Afford NOT to?

This is where I was going to write a lot of pretty things about having priorities and about how money can't be everything or else you'll die sad. In the last couple of days, though

14 of the Coolest Sayings About Investing

It's easy to get frustrated by the complexity that is investing, so take a moment to chill in wisdom of some well turned phrases about making money.

6 Reasons You Need to Include Pets in Your Will

When drawing up your will, don't forget to include your four-legged family members! They need you, even when you're gone.

Which Airline's Frequent Flyer Miles Have the Best Value?

Do some frequent flyer miles have more value than others? Let's find out.

Beyond the Mouth: 14 Uses for Dental Floss

Floss isn't just for freshening breath and fighting plaque; it's also amazing for DIY fixes and curing everyday problems. Discover these 14 great uses.