Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Travel and Money: Using Your Debit Card on the Road

Using a debit card is a great way to access cash and pay for items while traveling. But it’s not infallible; let’s explore tips for using your debit card safely.

14 Career-Threatening Work Habits That No One Will Tell You About

Just can't seem to land the promotion and get ahead? It's not them — it's you. The good news is you really can do better.

10 Easy Pesto Recipes (And Only One Uses Basil!)

Go beyond basil with these 10 delicious pesto recipes that use everything from cilantro to beets!

10 Health Foods That Are Actually Making You Fatter

Just because a food is healthier than a bag of chips doesn't mean it isn't fattening. Watch out for these gut busting health foods.

13 Dumb Little Purchases You Need to Stop Making Today

All small purchases add up quickly and ruin budgets, but these wastes are just silly — or even harmful. Find out what not to buy.

6 Ways to Trick Salespeople

Get familiar with the psychology of persuasion and turn the tables during your next sales negotiation.

How Single Parents Can Juggle Retirement Savings, Too

Being a single parent is hard work. Being a single parent and adequately funding your retirement is extra hard. But you can do it.

10 Ways for College Students to Save Loads of Money

Being a student can be expensive; here's how you can save!

20 Creative Uses for Peeps Beyond the Easter Basket

You don't have to eat Peeps to enjoy them. From decorations to toys and even jewelry, here are 20 festive ways to use Peeps beyond taking a bite.

Travel Insurance for Businesses

In some cases, you may already have travel insurance and not know it. Whether for business or pleasure, here are the basics of travel insurance.

No-Sew Ways to Update Your Wardrobe

If you have some outdated clothes that you want to revive, these easy updates will give you a new look, no needle and thread required.

7 Ways to Invest in Biotech Without Getting Burned

Thinking about trying your hand at biotech? Investing the pharmaceutical sector is risky, but with a little insight, you can see hefty returns.

How to Stay Focused at Work

If you're stressed out, overworked, and have a brain that changes focus faster than a hummingbird beats its wings, follow these suggestions to get more done.

10 Cool Companies That Pay You for Referring Friends

Your favorite online shops and services want you to spread the word — and they're willing to reward you for it with cash and other goodies.

How to Build an Investment Portfolio for Under $5000

So you've been diligently saving and you're ready to move some money into longer term investments. Try this easy-to-follow plan for investment newbs.

5 Unmistakeable Signs You're Slacking at Work

Put the phone down and stop missing deadlines. These are the signs you need to step up your game up at work — and soon!

Leopard Premiere Offers Free T’s for First Viewers

The tech world is abuzz with the news of the biggest update to the Mac OS X operating system yet – Leopard. Visit the premiere on October 26, t

5 Ways to Save Money on Braces

Braces can be a necessary medical treatment — and they can also be exceedingly expensive. Here are five ways to blunt the sharp cost of straight teeth.

Why mortgages have eaten Americans out of house and home

What lessons can future homeowners take away from today's "mortgage crisis?"

9 Tax-Friendly Ways to Save Beyond Your Retirement Fund

Reach your retirement savings cap? There are still plenty of savvy ways to avoid a big tax bill after maxing out your IRA and 401K!