Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Small Changes for a Happier You

Today we found some great articles on small changes that will make you happier, challenges your budget will face this fall, and a few rules for bringing less stuff into your home.

Stockpiling Is Rarely the Answer

Stockpiling for an emergency might seem like a good (and frugal) idea. But in reality, your time and money is probably better spent.

Prioritizing Savings During the Holidays: Highlights from Our Chat With EARN and SaverLife

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with EARN and SaverLife on prioritizing savings during the holidays!

What to Buy, and Avoid Buying, in January

Believe it or not, January is a great time to find deals on winter wear. Read on to learn what else is on sale (and what isn't) as another new year begins.

It Broke? Check for a Recall

Recalls aren't just for toys. If something breaks, especially earlyish in the product's life, check it out and you may just get a free replacement.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Look Forward to in 2014?

Tell us about what you look forward to in 2014 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Discount Luxury: Save 50% or More on 5 Fabulous Substitutions

Living on a budget doesn't mean living like a monk. Check out these creative and affordable alternatives to some of life's luxuries.

Are $1 homes worth buying?

This week a story from The Detroit News reported that homes are being listed in Detroit for $1. One particular $1 home sold for cash after being on the market for 19 days. The buye

The Power of Mentorship

We all use mentors regularly without thinking about it. But if we take charge of our lives and consciously choose mentors, we can charge ahead of the game in leaps and bounds.

Get In Gear For The New Year: 5 Tips For Making Resolutions

The New Year is infamous when it comes to resolutions — not because most people manage to turn over a new leaf but because we declare big goals, work towards them for a few months

The end of a recession versus recovery

There's an organization that picks the "official" dates for the beginning and ending of recessions. It considers the recession as running from the top of the peak to the bottom of

Time Is Money: Budget Them Both Out

We hear it all the time: Time is Money. But do we really treat our time with the same respect we treat our money? If we really do believe that time is valuable shouldn't we be budg

Best Money Tips: What You Should Know About a Company Before You Join

Today we found some fantastic articles on what you should know about a company before you join, 2013 gift guides, and lowering your food budget without coupons.

Mortgage Application Declined? Here’s How to Respond

If your mortgage application was declined, there's still hope! Take these five simple steps to get back on track.

How to Sell Your Kid's Stuff at a Consignment Sale

Earn some extra money while killing clutter. Sell your used kid clothes and toys at consignment sales!

Declutter Now: Simple Rules You Must Follow to Stay Clutter Free

You don't have to follow ALL of these declutterifc rules to keep your place tidy — even if you just choose three or four to follow, you can start living clutter-free.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Manage Stress and Spending? (Your Chance to Win $10)

What do you think about stress and spending? Are they closely related? Do you see one causing the other? Or are you in a place where you can manage stress and/or spending indepen

9 Hidden Health Benefits of Living on the East Coast

The East Coast may not boast year-round sunshine, but there are all sorts of hidden health benefits to living in this part of the U.S.

Frugality, Simplicity, and Sustainability

Are strategies like dumpster diving sustainable?

9 Frugal Skills You Must Have to Survive Autumn

In order to make it to the Christmas season with some money in the bank, you need to make fall as frugal as possible. Here's how.