Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Frugal Fall Activity?

Tell us about your favorite frugal Fall activity and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

12 Frugal New Twists on Classic Lemonade

Lemonade is pretty great all on its own, especially during summer. Make it even better with some tasty new twists you simply must try.

6 Quick Tips for Organizing Your Finances

Whether you're surrounded by piles of unsorted financial documents or could just use a little straightening up, here's how to painlessly get organized.

5 Ways to Make Long-Term Care More Affordable

The numbers don't lie; long-term care is not cheap. With some careful planning, you can make it more affordable down the line.

Really Great Uses for Kitty Litter

Just because you don't own a feline friend doesn't mean you should take kitty litter off your shopping list.

Is Credit Monitoring Ever Worth It?

Fraud alert, identity theft protection… do you actually need all these costly credit card add-ons? Consider the free alternatives instead.

What is keeping you from a life of financial independence?

My goal has always been to work for ten years and then have enough financial freedom to do whatever I want to do. Whenever I tell people this they seem to be rather incredulous an

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Tips for a Frugal Halloween?

Tell us your tips for a frugal Halloween and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

14 Gift Ideas for the Truly Broke

What can you give during the holidays when you're tumbleweed-rolling-in-your-wallet broke? Look to skills for inspiration.

Does Divorce Affect Your Student Loans?

Divorce can be a difficult financial situation — and even more so, unfortunately, if student loans are involved.

10 Golden Rules of Personal Finance Everyone Should Know

These 10 money truths will set you on the right path to financial enlightenment.

5 Travel Destinations That Are Cheaper Due to a Strong U.S. Dollar

Planning an overseas trip this year? Check out these stunning destinations where your dollar will go further.

6 Ways to Bounce Back After a Work Mistake

Everybody makes mistakes. Don't make them worse by bungling the follow up.

16 Ways to Use Up Leftover Champagne

Don't pour last night's leftover champagne down the drain! Save it to use as a key ingredient in cocktails, desserts, soups, hair care, and more.

The 5 Best CC Creams

Make your complexion shine by using the right CC cream for your face. Any of these five best CC creams are great choices!

5 Sneaky Ways Supermarkets Get You to Spend More

Want to know how grocery stores are parting you from your hard-earned cash? Learn about these supermarket psychology tricks.

8 Hotel and Car Rental Tips for Business Travelers

It pays to be judicious about how you spend your money on business trips. Here are some hotel and car rental tips that will keep your team happy.

5 Affordable Vacations to Please Every Age Group

Learn about the best and most affordable vacation options for group trips and multi-generational families.

21 Unexpected Items You Should Always Pack in Your Carry-On

Experienced travelers know what to bring and what to leave behind — or do they? These little extras make getting there almost enjoyable.

Beer Donuts and 11 Other Recipes You Can Make With Beer

Beer for breakfast? Sure, when it's in a donut. Learn how to make those and lots more delicious entrees and sides, all featuring brewskis.