Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Best Job Interview Tip?

Tell us your best job interview tip and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Maroon 5 & Alicia Keys Concert Tickets Giveaway!

Lucky Wise Bread readers will win tickets to an intimate, exclusive concert or a $50 Amazon gift certificate.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Way to Beat the Heat?

Tell us about your favorite way to beat the heat and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Go Golf Cart Go: The Battery-Powered Solution?

Spotted moving along on the roads in my city just last week was a golf cart. Is this solution to high gas prices (a bare-bones battery-powered vehicle) wise or even legal? I’ll tel

6 Financial Mistakes We Don't Make Anymore (and 2 We Still Do)

Once burned twice shy applies to personal finance, too. The Great Recession taught many of us to improve our financial ways, mostly for the better.

Last Minute Wrapping Paper: 5 Options

I've been known to wrap presents literally five minutes before the family has planned to open them — and that means there's no time for a last minute run to the store for a roll of

Don't Fall for These Common Obamacare Scams

Nothing brings out grifters like chaos and confusion. The opening of the Obamacare health insurance exchanges has given them a golden opportunity.

Save on Your New Car: Send Mom, Not Dad, to the Dealer

A lot of people think that knowing about cars is the domain of men. But when it comes to buying a vehicle, women might get better deals.

Best Money Tips: 20+ Ways to Get Paid for Watching TV

Today we found articles on ways to get paid to watch TV, small financial changes that have a big impact, and facts about Social Security benefits that Baby Boomers should know.

Forget Your Weaknesses and Build on Your Strengths to Find Success

Choosing the path of least resistance doesn't mean you're lazy; it means you're playing to your strengths. Here's why you should keep doing it.

Savings Bonds as Interest-Earning Travelers Checks

Remember travelers checks? In the days before ubiquitous automated teller machines, they were a useful product. You could use them almost like cash -- but you could carry more than

Best Money Tips: Pricing Tricks That Make You Spend More

Today we found articles on pricing tricks that make you spend more, ways to stop being lazy, and everyday activities that celebrate the fall season.

Best Money Tips: What You Should Know About Store Closing Sales

Today we found articles on what you should know about store closing sales, healthy dishes for weight loss, and beginner tips for fermenting.

'Tis the Season for Decluttering: Why and How To Do It

Forget spring cleaning — the last week of the year is the best time to clean house. Here's why.

Best Money Tips: How to Start Earning Passive Income — Today!

Today we found articles on passive income ideas you can start today, tips for getting through the airport faster, and why you should buy your next car online.

5 Ways the Ebola Outbreak Could Hurt the Economy — And Your Wallet

While you probably don't have to worry contracting Ebola yourself, the deadly virus certainly may infect your finances.

Don't Let These 6 Common Job Traps Derail Your Career

The shine has worn off that once-loved job, but you can't just leave … right? Wrong.

10 Money Moves You Need to Make Before the End of the Year

Holiday season is also year end financial season. Take a break from holiday craziness and spend some you time prepping your money for 2015.

6 Perks You Should Be Demanding From Your Employer

If the checker at your local Wegman's is getting tuition paid by the company, shouldn't you be, too?

8 Unexpected Ways Cheaper Gas Is Boosting Your Pocketbook

Gas prices are at their lowest levels in years. Are you taking advantage?