Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Ways Self Storage Units Are More Sad Museums Than Savvy Solutions

This week I did an intervention on Sarah, one of my dearest friends. Sarah has a substance abuse problem -- but not with drugs. Sarah has a problem with self storage.

Do you know how to use a parking meter? Serious question.

I thought I knew the answer to that. Admittedly, I’ve only been driving for seven years and rarely park in downtown Denver, where most of our parking meters are located. But I had

Buy Your Groceries European-Style

Instead of planning a menu in advance, I go to the store and look around to see what looks good. That way, I can get whatever's fresh and cheap.

7 Traps to Avoid With Your 401(k)

Your 401(k) is a powerful retirement savings tool, but that doesn't mean it's perfect.

16 Time and Money Saving Apps for Freelancers

Starting a freelance career is daunting, but this collection of apps and online services will take the fear out of invoicing, file storage, and a lot more!

8 Signs You're Paying Too Much for Your Mortgage

If home sweet home is sapping your savings, you're likely paying too much for your mortgage.

How to Rack Up Extra Rewards Points by Buying Gift Cards

Buying gift cards could be the key to earning extra rewards points.

Ask the Readers: Would You Rather Rent or Buy a Home?

Tell us if you would rather rent or buy a home and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

13 Ways to Make Money Online That Aren't Scams

There's no shortage of Internet "jobs" scams, but there are legit side gigs, too. Fatten your wallet with these online extra income opportunities.

Ask the Readers: What is Your Best Back-to-School Shopping Tip?

Tell us your best back-to-school shopping tip and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

12 Affordable Ingredients that Add Gourmet Flair to any Meal

Here is an expert list of a dozen common ingredients that will add some flair to your dish — for less than you'd expect.

How to Help Your Adult Children Become Financially Independent

If your grown children are still depending on you for every little money matter, it's time to teach them how to go it alone.

7 Ways Millennials Are Better With Money Than You Are

Millennials are getting smart about their spending and saving habits — smarter, even, than you.

8 Affordable Destinations for People Who Love to Fish

If you're looking to hook a big one before summer ends, head to one of these amazing fishing destinations.

7 Smart Ways to Invest in Your Health

Looking for a smart place to put your money? You don't have to look far.

Avoid These 6 Common Mistakes When Moving Across the Country

Before you pile your stuff into that moving truck, make sure you aren't making any of these pricey moving mistakes!

10 Ways to Avoid Germs on Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Public transportation can get awfully germy. Make sure you protect yourself from those grimy surfaces.

Which Student Loan Repayment Plan Saves You the Most?

College degrees aren't cheap, and for many, student loans are a difficult financial burden. Learn which repayment plan saves the most money.

10 Unexpected Uses for Laundry Detergent

Who says laundry soap is just for clothes? Try it for one of these other common household clean ups.

Are your new tires really 6-year old ticking time-bombs?

Check the tires on your car. How do they look? Plenty of tread, no bald spots, no wear and tear? If that’s the case, you’ve probably got a great set of tires with years of life lef